decisions decisions

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big ali

New Member
ive got a tough one here guys, im fit (ish) and healthy, and due to start a nice job this morning , insurance job on bathroom kitchen and living room with water damage, everything in place, due to pick labourer up any minute BUT....... the kids have been up for 2 nights puking and screaming and the mrs has been up 2 nights with belly ache and sicky feeling, kids are off nursery and mrs is off school (she's a teacher, not a schoolgirl:RpS_wink:) the big question is i stay at home and look after them and be nice or say f off and look after your self cos im off to earn some wedge. BUT then i would come home to find the locks changed and i'd be in a bedsit with the CSA after me. hmmmmmm decisions decisions.
For someone who nearly lost my partner and kids last yyear i wud say if ur wife wud flip if u went stay at home. Money is no substitute for family mate
couldn't agree more, gonna load everyone up in the car and go on a van hunt , and just hope no one pukes in the car :-)
Only you can answer that one mate.... if you think it then prob you should stay home... but you don't want to go letting customers down. Plasterers already have a bad name for reliability
Remember when your old and infirm. Your plastering customers wont wipe your arse or nurse you in ill health.

Hardly think £100 will make a difference to your life chances
stayed at home, all too ill to leave, little un puked tonite , mrs puked tonite, other little un complaining of belly ache, so don't look good, and the job is for a builder/ regular customer and house is empty so dont have to worry about that, and as for for doing her up the bum blonesy, tut tut, i would have expected better of you mate :-)
Sounds like they have all got the winter vomiting bug mate,you will be next keep indoors for a week,dont come into contact with anyone,keep away from buildbase,you will have paul off
Its not really a decision as women rules our lifes as we all know (unless your G** lol) but as a great man told me, you gotta do what you gotta do. there you go thats my 2 pence worth and i am bolloxxed wot the fuk am i doing ive lost the plot wot wos u on about no ive lost it fuk it
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