dashed garage

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S a plastering

Private Member
been asked to krend a prefab garage scrape finish and the garage is dashed not heavy because its panels aswell so it has joins running down it every 2ft ithink whats the way to go dont think they could afford the riblath so would rendaid work with a hpx basecoat with meshh emmbeded then top coat cheers
i would hpx basecoat with panzer mesh lot stronger then top you might want to apply some r7 primer before basecoat
can you not move them over to a thincoat system which would accommodate some movement? Surely a panel construction would be the same as meshing over expansion joints in blockwork and will eventually crack through.... or get them to agree that it's a small risk to cover butski
lol your jokin goody i havent had that much experiance with the modern renders yet never mind the thincoat system i wunt know where to start thanks anyway for good advice but i will have to take the chance on this one
im going to try hp12 instead hpx is too expensive rang em up today they want 16 a bag im going to bed mesh over the cracks first then rendaid it cos they cant even get me any r7 then going to hp12 with the mesh embeded then top off see how that goes its a mate of mine anyway he knows the crack with it if goes tits up
Cant you use an expansion bead on the joints cause the mesh will never hold over the joint of the concrete panels and you shouldnt need the rx7 because you will get a good key on dashing
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