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I had a few over the last couple of years from a 'daz' I think... just random stuff like bonding vs render on such and such a job...
it would seem your opinion is valued lewis ;)
lewisricekrispy said:
anyone had an email from someone calling themself darrenw, asking for plastering advice?
sorry mate its me daz1968 asking for advice about bathroom ceiling. i have boarded it out but there are curves to be built out with bonding , hoefully i can do this free hand . i would like to know when skimming curves on ceilings , do i skim the curve first or skim into it and away if this makes sense cheers daz1968
Oh, sorry mate. I would look at doing the curves in bonding. Use a straight edge to bring it out along whole area. When you remove straight edge, most of it will be roughed up. The bits that are smooth are hollows, so add more gear to this bit(but don't apply preasure). Then use straight edge again. The better the undercoat, the better the finish. Should be able to skim same day if it's hard enough. Don't rush it, do the skimming next day. I'll send you an email later with a rough guide to skiming. Oh yeah, when skimming curves, lay on and trowel off at 45 degree angles, rather then straight back and fourth
I have yeah


i prefer two coat methord. but my timing is always wrong, how long shuould i wait between first and second coat on plasterboard. also is it best to get first coat flat as poss cheers daz the newbie
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