darn hot day

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So it wasn't probably the best day to hit a 40+ metre artex comb ceiling by myself....took 3 glues as i wanted as much time as poss...5 bags of plasterin all...jesssussss 1st coat didnt cover the artex like i like, so layed on 2nd straight away..noticed 2nd wasnt perfect...so mixed up a 3rd hit......it came out good...but feck me...that was a day not to remember..........7.2 by 6.2 ..yes i measured it cause it hurt that much in the heat.......on the sol beer trying to get re-juvinated......at one point i was tempted to get the sponge float out...but did resist it...;o)...anyone else have a mare in the heat?
im seriously thinking about obtaining an old fridge unit to restore my trannie back to having a fully refridgerated back...
anyone know where to obtain such a thing?
the idea is growing on me minute by minute.. im off to google it ;D
I know what you mean phippsy I had to keep moving the table and chair around the garden to keep out of the sun, what a mare!!
bearing in mind how hot it was yesterday i layed on about 20m2 of krend by 11.30 yesterday morning and went in at half 5 this morning to scrape it own and it was just right for scraping, was on my way home by half 7 this morning

i aint got no more work on now so i aint got to worry about the heat
I've got a bit of a gap too at the mo and it's nice!! Make a change from sweatin me nads off in this heat!! Picnic with the kids today! :)
i ve been rendering a wall about 30 m2 in all, got it all on and ruled. Started rubbin up got half way down the wall and a big chunk, about a m2 just fell off. Any 1 got any ideas why this would happen
Could be going off too quick, it's not had a chance to bond to the scratch coat drying rather than setting. It's a mare rendering in this heat!!
ziggy2 said:
Could be going off too quick, it's not had a chance to bond to the scratch coat drying rather than setting. It's a mare rendering in this heat!!
It was nt 2 bad it was in the shade most off the day. I was still rubbin up at 4 o clock
Poor sand? I've had patches fail due to poor sand, was it breezey where you were? I've rendered between two town houses before in the shade but the breeze drawn through the gap dried my work too quickly giving it a sandy finish, not good! >:(
been inside today working in a gas fire showroom skimming up three chimney breasts.Pheww that was hot now on the stella to replace all that water loss ;)
stickin my last panels on an insulated rendering system ,we all look like panda's after wearing sunglasses all day 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
we went to skim a loft conversion yesterday lasted 10 mins and ffucked it off then went to a office job 14 x 12 through the lot on in one hit and wasnt to choosey about layin in straight on the ale trail till 2am this morning woke up at 12. 30 today rough as a bears f**k the sun
OK yesterday I thought it was fun just pricing up of plans in the garden, today first coat rendering only about 50 sq.m. but I've now had enough of this heat, not fun anymore.
I know exactly what you mean jetman, I used to get the render on the wall then ditch the hard hat and lumi top and if the foreman said anything I would just say it's to hot to wear all that gear and if your going to make me I'll go home now and come back when the weather cools down. And by the way you can borrow my float to finish the wall I've just put on. I never did have to lend that float out! :D
i've been to ikea today...that was hot walking from the car to the shop entrance then i had to go to b&q managed to park right outside so didn't get to hot then, then had to pick my boy up from school that was hot
freeze a bottle of water overnight and it'll slowly melt at work ...........safe :)...............alternatavely pour 2 litres of strong cider into a 3 litre bottle freeze that and you get a cupfull of pure alcohol ..........safe ;D
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