Now then....I read that people seem to be uncertain as to which undercoat to use ref. damp proofing / flood damage..
I used to work for a dp company, most of it was hack off metre high, render and skim
Company that supplies the chemicals and additives will not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES guarantee a job that HASN'T been rendered back up with a 3:1 sharp/plastering sand
pc mix with integral waterproofer/salt repellant..
Theory goes a bit like "Bonding is porous" end of
they reckon it'll just soak the water straight out of the wall bringing the salts with it, thereby i suppose causing the installation company and chemical supplier grief from customer,,
company i worked for wouldnt advocate bonding/hardwall or silmilar downstairs in old properties anyway, damp or not..always render..
Still that said it was 50% building company too so trailer/mixer/groundsheet was never a problem...
Cant quite understand why people hate good old fashioned render anyway? I dont mind it at all, in fact i get on better with it than bonding (which i only ever use to patch up/caulk out with)?
Another good thing about rendering with waterproofer -
1) itll hold it off so you can throw tons of it on before you have to float up
2) if youve used the right ratio of waterproofer (bout 1/2 litre to a mixerfull) youll never have to pva the walls before you skim, in fact you can pretty much bang the whole room on in a set...or three rooms if your only a metre high..
noticed this 'limelite' been mentioned though....never heard of it?? any good?
p.s. anyone that ever rendered after a chemical injection and cant get render to stick...the gits have sprayed chemical up the wall...might as well try and render glass walls...not funny :'(
I used to work for a dp company, most of it was hack off metre high, render and skim
Company that supplies the chemicals and additives will not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES guarantee a job that HASN'T been rendered back up with a 3:1 sharp/plastering sand

Theory goes a bit like "Bonding is porous" end of

they reckon it'll just soak the water straight out of the wall bringing the salts with it, thereby i suppose causing the installation company and chemical supplier grief from customer,,
company i worked for wouldnt advocate bonding/hardwall or silmilar downstairs in old properties anyway, damp or not..always render..
Still that said it was 50% building company too so trailer/mixer/groundsheet was never a problem...
Cant quite understand why people hate good old fashioned render anyway? I dont mind it at all, in fact i get on better with it than bonding (which i only ever use to patch up/caulk out with)?
Another good thing about rendering with waterproofer -
1) itll hold it off so you can throw tons of it on before you have to float up
2) if youve used the right ratio of waterproofer (bout 1/2 litre to a mixerfull) youll never have to pva the walls before you skim, in fact you can pretty much bang the whole room on in a set...or three rooms if your only a metre high..
noticed this 'limelite' been mentioned though....never heard of it?? any good?
p.s. anyone that ever rendered after a chemical injection and cant get render to stick...the gits have sprayed chemical up the wall...might as well try and render glass walls...not funny :'(