gary its pushed pretty hard as it is no major contractor will let you on a site without one now although they never verify them so i dont see the point in that!! and ive seen pleanty of lads who have cscs, nvq 2, ipaf certs pasma certs who are bloody wank nice shiny trowel but cant put more than one wall on without it fukking up on them. then i see lads who have been in the trade years not being allowed on site because they dont have a piece of paper it makes me sick how cscs and nvq 2 is being pushed i have both and have had for coming upto 5 yrs now(bastards want another £25 now) i only done my first rendering job 2 yrs ago and ive never screeded a floor in my life but still have the quals to say i can the whole system has been a money makin, job providing scheme to make the government look good nothing to do with weeding the cowboys out at all
rant over