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Private Member
Does anyone know how to renew your card, :-/ never been asked for it since i got it, but sods law now its expired ill be asked :o
Thought ive have to shell out more f##king dough conning gits >:(
i passed my test last year and still havnt had me card yet. i phoned them up and they said that its been sent to me, told em i havnt had it, they now want £25 for a new one.
Christ they wont be happy till we're workin for nowt, assholes. That test is a load of shite i remember havin to answer questions on shoring up trenches WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
i had about 10 questions on fire extinquishers, not 1 of the multiple anwsers had ''get the f@*k out the building''
q1 what is the correct procedure following a man falling from a scaffold...

a) steal his sandwich box
b) sack the scaffolders
c) check to see if he had his hi-vis/boots/helmut/lanyard/jockstrap on
d) reach for the accident book (again)
e) hook your own lanyard on the scaffold, ensure you have your helmut on and lean over the edge to check see if he took the ladder with him, wherupon discovering him laid prostrate in a pile of sand laffin his head off, you own lid falls off and catches him square in the nuts crippling the poor bloke for life...
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