cracked ceiling

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New Member
Im looking for some advice from the seasoned spreads on here.
I have a ceiling to bond and skim tomorrow and it has a few bad cracks on it.
I am intending to scrim the bad cracks but I am looking for advice as to at what stage to scrim
Before I bond and after I pva or after I bond while the bonding is still soft
or after the bonding has set just before I skim. opinions please.
i always scrim before i pva. and then before you pva the whole ceiling, just go over the scrim because if i dont, it will come off and wrap around the roller.
Its pointless scrimming after youve bonded the ceiling because youre not gonna be able to see /remember where the cracks where! Also same as Steve always scrim first coz it just wont stick to anything wet.
If youve got to bond before skimming thats alot of weight so might be an idea to screw up as well.
How stong is the ceiling? If theres movement it will always crack especially with the extra weight and gravity!
Could you not just board over it? That would solve it.
put a bed off bonding over the cracks then skrim , the same way we use to use jute scrim on plasterboard joints, put a wipe of material over the joint and then bed your scrim into that , then apply your bonding,finish etc
iv done a few jobs of late were we have loads of cracked ceilings to do on big decoration jobs. so to save getting the skim out for good ceilings with cracks Ive started raking out cracks with knife, applying wide scrim then 2 trowel wide coats of light weight jointing compound, let the labour rub back both coats ,prime then paint as normal . looks just as good and this way i can do a fair few ceilings in a day! that's just my way some times, maybe I'm beein lazy! iv only done this about 5 times but has worked very well every time.
Bruce Willis said:
How stong is the ceiling? If theres movement it will always crack especially with the extra weight and gravity!
Could you not just board over it? That would solve it.
Ceiling cant be overboarded due to a cornice. I think il fill the cracks with bonding then scrim .
befor u start make sure its not a larth and plaster celing otherwise if u bond over it ,the weight will pull the lot down
nelly said:
I tell people theres f*ck all you can do about cracks.
me too what if youve got a couple of fatties making love on the bedroom floor and the ceiling cracks below is that your fault or theres for being chuncky lol
If its a plaster board ceiling ill always find the joists and put in a few extra screws either side of the crack. If its a laff and plaster ceiling...............good luck as it'll probably crack again somewhere else
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