cpi general purpose

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Private Member
I have a few jobs on the bubble where I was hoping to spray cpi general.

It will take 3 coats so was just wondering the best way to go about it, after reading someone posts earlier in the week about it sliding down the wall im a bit worried ... gulp.

thanks my lovers x
richardbrown said:
I have a few jobs on the bubble where I was hoping to spray cpi general.

It will take 3 coats so was just wondering the best way to go about it, after reading someone posts earlier in the week about it sliding down the wall im a bit worried ... gulp.

thanks my lovers x

ask the machine boyos
all i can say is good luck.

after what i just did the other week i wouldnt wanna do it. if ur outside in this temp then maybe it would be better. spray it stiff and dont wet down the scratch coat. let it pick up as much as u can before ruling or try a serated edge. and have a labourer at the bottom of the wall catching it ;)

let me no how it goes tho
What I made of the post bout it sliding was that the guy had scratch coated then left to dry before topping off. Which means the goodies in the powder were stopping any suction therefore,slidey-slidey. You probs need to scratch an area then top off and rule straight away. Does anyone know CPI stockists in the northeast. Cheers and goodluck with it. :)
kind of related but we put on 40mm of parex parmurex today in 3 passes outside with the machine. couldn you just keep doing passes until the thickness is there but wait for it to firm up or maybe put fibre mesh in the first or second pass for a bit more integrity? bit more pricey but done in a day?
yeah that's what I mean 3 passes not coats on different days as such but the mesh does hold it well in situations where thickness can cause sagging problems
its a big old house that needs hacking off back to stone so it willl need dubbing out and 2/3 coats.

its bigish panels as well so would be toooo much to do in a day me thinks.

I tried weber ocr for the first time the other day and wasnt to keen seemed to tear like mad when rubbing up but finished nice.
I have only used cpi once as a test panel but found it rubbed up and finished very well !!!.

The ocr finished well but took a lot of float work because of the tearing
How much a bag is CPI, I'm paying 6.50 for OCR which I think is to expensive. Did see a website which sold it by the pallet for less than a fiver a bag but can't seem to find the website. Can't find a stockist up here in the Middlesbrough area. Any help appreciated. Thanks
richardbrown said:
I have a few jobs on the bubble where I was hoping to spray cpi general.

It will take 3 coats so was just wondering the best way to go about it, after reading someone posts earlier in the week about it sliding down the wall im a bit worried ... gulp.

thanks my lovers x

Ive used hundreds of bags of this gear in the past few month s and have never experienced any probs ive had scratches sitting for weeks before topping off and suction has never been an issue the only thing i will say is dont build out to much as it does slump and when putting it on with the machine dont wet the wall to much or not atall
TBH if you are gonna go 30mm u should look at a material more suited, There is an insulating plaster which we have pumped on at 80mm, its comes in a mammoth size bag and only weighs 10kg. you can monocouche straight over that or mesh adhesive,topcoat.

The coverage of a bag works out cheaper than cpi.
Powerwall in scotland also have a fibre reinforced base coat at about £160 a ton and it goes on thick as fcuk in one pass
yeah 1 ton pallets, i think its really good stuff. its like the powerwall monocouche but with fibres. The range of stuff they do is quite good and reasonable. £ 6 for mono
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