cowboy customer alert!!!

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New Member
anyone else had there pants pulled down by n**head customers?

did a job for a guy who wanted bathroom boarding and 2 of the 4 walls skimming, he was gonna tile the other 2 walls himself, quoted £250 inc materials. finished the job and next day he said great job but 1 snag that there was a 1/4 inch lip where 2 boards met, he gave me a ton and said have the rest when its sorted. thought no probs bit of bonding coat and feather it in to make neat, 1 hour max. told him i'd be there 8.30am. got there at 8.45am, no one in and no key left? rang his mobile no answer? he txt me that evening saying he waited till 8.50am and went to work? wot a liar. :-? anyway tried to arrange when to come back and finish up he said that i'm not getting anymore money out of him and he's pulling the work down and getting someone else to do it again? :'(

no contact since, any suggestions?
go round his house and give him sum griff..write a posh letter saying you will be taking legal action unless you are paid within 1 week ....when you do a job get them to sign something saying payment on completion of job etc... this makes ppl think twice about ripping you off.....if ppl can screw you over they will..
yeah mate think i will from now. you do some jobs and they leave you the cash and go to work! some are akward. i'll sort it ;)
why was there a 1/4 inch lip? always make sure ur work is spot on when doing domestic work, for this very reason, he may still of tried to rip you off, but you made it easier for him by giving him an excuse.
anyone else had there pants pulled down by n**head customers?

did a job for a guy who wanted bathroom boarding and 2 of the 4 walls skimming, he was gonna tile the other 2 walls himself, quoted £250 inc materials.  finished the job and next day he said great job but 1 snag that there was a 1/4 inch lip where 2 boards met, he gave me a ton and said have the rest when its sorted. thought no probs bit of bonding coat and feather it in to make neat, 1 hour max. told him i'd be there 8.30am. got there at 8.45am, no one in and no key left? rang his mobile no answer? he txt me that evening saying he waited till 8.50am and went to work? wot a liar. :-? anyway tried to arrange when to come back and finish up he said that i'm not getting anymore money out of him and he's pulling the work down and getting someone else to do it again? :'(

no contact since, any suggestions?  
hes at it,go round his house and say your there to pull the work down yourself,that should call his bluff
why was there a 1/4 inch lip? always make sure ur work is spot on when doing domestic work, for this very reason, he may still of tried to rip you off, but you made it easier for him by giving him an excuse.

Got to agree with this.
If there was a 1/4 inch lip you should have spotted it yourself and sorted it out. You made it easier for him to snub you when you turned up late too.

But thats assuming there actually was a 1/4 lip! Have you seen this yourself? If not i would want to see it. If someone is not happy with your work, you gotta see what they are complaining about before they hold back your money!

If you really feel that the guy is at it, then you need to get it sorted out and get the rest of the money you worked hard for.
If you did make the mistakes the guy said you did, then fair doo's. At least you got some money out of it, and learned a lesson that domestic work is a bit more scrutinized than site work, and scratch it off as experience.

I not ever been knocked on domestic work, however if he not paid for it he dont own the materials go in and pull the lot down yourself, then say get the other chap in.

MOst people dont argue with me 6ft 4 does the

What a **nker, i know what its like you just wanna smash his **cking face in, i got done just before christmas from this women who claimed she was a builder and no plasterer or tradesman earn more than £120 a day, well she accepted the price from my brother for £700 it was to plaster out a studio with loads of bulk heads she asked how long it was gonna take and my brother told her it would take a week for 1 spread well me and my partner done it in 2 days well she calculated it should cost £480 and was gonna give us a £20 bonus to make it up to £500 well we said no thats £200 short She had some sort of flip out started going berzerk. There was nothing we could do, you cant hit a woman and she didnt seem to be intimadated by any one, well she was gonna give us a cheque as well but we kept saying no and managed to get cash, got what we could and ran sometimes you just got to take the rough it cant be smoothe all the time.
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