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New Member
hi guys wots the knack on measuring the cutting point on coving and also love any hints and tips on putting on wall got a box room to do soon ( quite straight forward i know) but dont wanna waste loads by measuring wrong etc ....
i know i might sound stupid for asking but its the same as most things if you,ve been shown you get a basic idea ... and as ive not been shown just thought id ask for tips .... seen as time is money when your on the job and all that :)
dont know about anybody else, but i make the mix quite wet so its easy to place the coving and push it tight in to the corner.

also when u dub the coving up make sure u apply the adhesive generously, so when you push the coving to the corner and remove the excess adhesive you dont have any gaps to fill in. saves time

its always handy to have a hammer and nails, to put a nail under the coving at the join

when it comes to cutting i use one of those wondermites

i tend to cut and fit all the big piece first, the measure cut and fit the small piece, remove excess adhesive, then clean with a brush.

also cut the joins at an angle, and fill all joins, with interior filler
also cut the coving the same as u measure it, but with a few mm off either end. if there's a little gap in the corners u can fill with interior filler and not adhesive as it to hard to sand.
Unsure if you're new to coving, but always remeber my first coving - started off in one corner , thought I was the bees knees until I'd got all around the room to find I'd been dropping about 5 mm on each run - by the time I'd got back to the starting point, I had nearly 20mm drop !!! Always have 2 internal 'templates' cut about a foot long and mark your projection lines in each corner before starting - You can then easily adjust the run to meet the projection lines safe in the knowledge that when you get back to where you started, its gonna be bob on
No worries - pleasure to help out like minded individuals - just offer the templates up into each corner and run a pencil under each one for all corners - jobs a no brainer from thereon in !
i always tend to work to chalk line for accuracy, it takes a while and is a bit novice like but i'd be gutted if i got round the room and id dropped a bit, the nails to hold it in place is a good tip as well, ive had a bit come down on me head before, soul destroying
start with basics

you have 4 different cuts
2 internals

cut your internals template and also your externals template just for piecs of mind

if you are not sure of your cut look at your template and check it in your box so u know which cut u need

at first coving can be mind boggling untill you can look at a ceiling line and know which cut you need, once you master this the rest is easy

there are different methods to stick it up on new work and old work it differes

but try a very small room to start make sure they are internal angles as the externals take more getting used to and allways use your internal template to try against your cove after u have fixed,to check the corner is the right ditance from ceiling, no need to chalk or mark the wall just use your template
ive done quite a bit of coving and still take ages thinking about the cuts
and i probably always will ;D i still love it though
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