correct sand

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big ali

New Member
has anyone ever used normal red/yellow building sand for rendering? i was told there was there too much clay in it (don't knowif this is true), i used to work for a plasterer when i was a young lad and he would use 50 / 50 red and yellow building sand and nothing else and his work is still on the wall so whats the story. oh and before any one asks, yes he did use a bit of cement as well!!!
dont use building sand mate too much silt in it ,it will shrink and crack like hell, gotta use a good washed sand, and leave successive coats to cure properly!
sharp, washed or if you see it bagged it says plastering sand on it in some suppliers. i was always told to de the ball binding test before starting also just to make sure. you ball it up in your fist to see that it binds well. you can drop it into a wter bucket and it should within reason stay in a ball
Ive used red sand for a small flower bed wall in my own garden. Its still there 5 yrs on but hated spreading it. Wouldnt dream of usin it on a proper job. Washed sand only.
we used wash river and some kind of sharp sand half and half wen i wus serving my time only every used ready mix since
Leighton buzzerd sand most my rendering jobs i use builders sand same as the brickys but if you gat a good plastering sand that the cat hasnt s**t in then happy days
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