Contrary to other peoples opinions:

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New Member
Hi guys,

Sorry if I touched a nerve with Rubs in the other post, don't exactly know why the guy was miffed, but hey.

My appeal for help was a genuine one, and yes I did fix the landing ceiling myself.

I have also booked onto a course with : Which is in Stockport. I would love to have done the Goldtrowel course, but its a little far away, and would have meant more on travel expences and also accomodation.

If I am right, Rubs thought I was taking the P**s and that I was not on the course at all. Well, I will be there tomorrow at 09:30am and will be there for the next 4 days.

I will try and get some pictures and maybe host some pictures on here? I could also review the course, so any other people that have booked or thinking of booking can have a read and a few pictures to get a better idea.

Just a thought.

Cheers for the support Danny.
Hello Cainy,

If you have any questions just ask bud,

I think rubs was a bit stuck behind I do wish him all the success but moving with the times he needs to do.

as with pictures and reveiws I am willing to start a section on the site people to do just that, whether it be jobs they have done or for quoting purposes.

Ask on the course what a Spread should earn you will see what I mean.

Enjoy the course and keeps us updated

All the best

Will do mate,

Just read the website properly, and apparntly I get a portfolio of the work that I do throughout the 4 days, which will be good fr when I start my own jobs.

Will keep you updated.
i wanna aplologies to everyone on the forum for my comments made over the wk.end! if i affended anyone then i apologies whole heartedly, i especialy wanna apologies to cainy who i guess i had a right pop at!! sorry mate, im a gud guy realy and will help anyone out, ive just had my head up my rear end lately!! anyone needs any advice i will be glad to help out, i hope we can put these comments behind us and move forward i shud not be takin my personal problems out on anyone!!! i do have a wealth of knowledge so pls try and forgive me. this will be a gr8 forum so lets all help each other out, i cant believe sum of the comments i made meself i realise i was bang out of order sorry guys.. :-[
No harm no foul mate. ;)

I never actualy saw the post, as the thread was removed before I saw it. No problem.

Thanx for the courtesy though, and I will hold you to the part where you offered your help. ;D

cheers guys, i will help anyone anytime. maybe a get-together one wk;end for a drink might be a gud idea?? a plasterers jolley boys outing??? you know it makes sense. 8-)
Ha now your talking!! Sounds to me likea bunch of plasterer's are off to get plastered!! (how many times have we all heard that one!!??) lol!
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