conni roofs

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I was driving today and stopped to have a natter with a fellow spread ask how it was going etc etc.
He found himself a nice little gap in the market around where I am.
He clading conies roofs in using king span from wicks then covers in pvc cladding looks nice when done. I suppose the only downside is from the outside you can see the king span.
heard it all now!

might as well lose the poly and drop 25mm cellotex in, top caps back on... same difference.. :RpS_laugh:
then just paint the foil...
Well in the summer it's to hot and winter to cold that's connies for you.Not sure how he clads them all I know is it look 's ok when done and do not forget some folks have had theres for over 20yrs so cladding the roof space will make them look different and fresh looking I would say.
just use sh'tloads of that hollow 't&g' effect stuff, 9mm thick, cheaper than plasterboard almost, stick it on with silicon...
nice little earner if he can keep it moving...
bitch went on strike when the forum got swapped...
said if I aint gonna be supplying the massage oil and beer tokens she aint rubbin 'nuffink!' AND THAT INCLUDES ME!
women eh? c'nts!
I thought concrete, but now i think its conservatory. i may be wrong, I generally am...
So people pay this guy good money to put cellotex over there clear roof (which lets light into the room).Only to lose the heat through all the glass units?
Sounds like ur mate could sell ice to the eskimo's lol.
ive heard it asll know.
You wanna tell ur mate all the extra weight hes putting on that roof is not designed to take and could invalid there guarantee,next heavy snow fall and the roof will probably collapse under the weight NO S H I T !!
nah mate, provided he keeps the poly in place snow loading wont be an issue (yeh i know i was on about replacing the poly with cellotex but i wasnt really considering it)..
poly is 25 times stronger than steel weight for weight, i can sit in the centre of a poly sheet at 20 degrees angle at 800 ctrs...
the problem with snow loading comes with the absence of tie bars... the rods that hold the two sides in and are connected to the ridge with a steel ring with a cover on it that looks like a rose..
no problem on that score..

the other side - heat loss...
everything has a u value...
adding 50mm of cellotex to the roof panel area is gonna bring that area's u value RIGHT down...
now you cant have an arch into a conni, its gotta be an external grade door...
because if you dont have a door, you bring the glazed area of the conni (including the poly area) in with the house glass equation...
"no more than 25% of the FLOOR area of a house shall be glazed' - building regs...
if you try and increase the glazed area you have to compensate elsewhere..
with doc L being what it is your gonna have to bury the house in polystyrene 3 foot thick to make up for it...
adding 50mm of cellotex to the roof panels is the equivalent (almost) of having a pitched, tiled, insulated roof...

wont be long before ultraframe and k2 etc come up with something similar i reckon...
Ive seen a connie roof come down with 4 inches of snow on it ( my dads ) and that weighs less than pvc and inso,about 6 year ago i also had to repair a carport that had come down in the snow.
But its the light thing i cant get my head around to be honest.Why would you want to lose all the light and spend all that money on insolation that will only make very very little difference.
did it have tie bars? if not, why not?
mate do the calcs... 25mm poly over say 20 square metres..
then 50mm cellotex over 20 square metres..
glazing only has to hit 2.2
50mm of cellotex with give you around 0.3

metres x uvalue gives you kwh..

and i think its kwh x 3412 gives you btu to size your rad (not sure, been a while)
did it have tie bars? if not, why not?
mate do the calcs... 25mm poly over say 20 square metres..
then 50mm cellotex over 20 square metres..
glazing only has to hit 2.2
50mm of cellotex with give you around 0.3

The conie had insuficient ties.The carport i think wasnt that well built in the first place but still it happend.Honestly i dodnt no about the geomaetric calculations but i know i wouldnt want my connie roof blacked out id want the natural light.As for heating it,dual aircon and heat cus it get fcuking hot in the summer with 50mm insulation and blacked out.The condensation will be dripping of that roof too.Not for me guys sorry,but if the guys makes money doing all the same i hope he does alright out of it.
sorry mate but why would condensation be dripping off an warm roof?

he's got a good little idea there...
more i thought about it, the more i realised what the game is..

at the end of the day, if you can reduce heat loss, you save money, a conny is just an extra room and in the summer theyre silly hot with glazed roofs, i spent years in the game and i would never have what is basically a greenhouse as a 'habitable' room...
theres such things as 'sun tunnels' to bring extra natural light in, and the whole side is glazed so i cant really see the downside, other than it looks pants from outside but im guessing he's got round that somehow?
It would look shite. A certain ethnic culture would go mad for them,same as they go mad for cladded bathroom ceilings that drip drip drip.Maybe ur right thinking aboutit connie ceiling would be a lot warmer so maybe not.
Definately a market there,but i would want the light.
Would it infringe on the warranty of conservatory company?
anything you do to a building product that isnt in the 'idiot guide' would compromise the guarantee... its all about insurance innit.. if they can find an excuse theyll use it...
but what is there to go wrong? provided you aint firing self tappers into the drainage channel all it is is cladding...
but INSULATED cladding...
When I see him again chris will ask him. you know as well as me some folks dont give a flying f--- what it looks like from the outside there just fed up been in death vally in the summer and the artic in the winter.
tell you what, if you can designe a conny roof with a u value small enough to compensate for the extra glass in the sides so to bring the conny into the house without an external door so to speak.... you are onto a bleedin gold mine...
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