condensation on walls

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Private Member
Hi lads and fit birds,

gotta overskim a couple of rooms next week over soft sheen (between silk and emulsion)
Gonna use WBA but behind some of the free standing wardrobes he had some 'dry' condensation,
i.e. It was an area with no airflow but its 'dry' OK to just wba an overskim?
irish_spread said:
Hi lads and fit birds,

gotta overskim a couple of rooms next week over soft sheen (between silk and emulsion)
Gonna use WBA but behind some of the free standing wardrobes he had some 'dry' condensation,
i.e. It was an area with no airflow but its 'dry' OK to just wba an overskim?

Yes i will let you :)
Black dots may well be mildew, give it a wipe down with some bleach and water to kill it first, could end up growing through your skim, as if there is no air flow and the condensation has not been cured it will come back, however, not untill you've been paid and away! ;D
ziggy2 said:
Black dots may well be mildew, give it a wipe down with some bleach and water to kill it first, could end up growing through your skim, as if there is no air flow and the condensation has not been cured it will come back, however, not untill you've been paid and away! ;D
ill second that! ;)
ziggy2 said:
Black dots may well be mildew, give it a wipe down with some bleach and water to kill it first, could end up growing through your skim, as if there is no air flow and the condensation has not been cured it will come back, however, not untill you've been paid and away! ;D

was gonna put an air brick in anyway, but bleach ? with my delicate skin and sinuses????? no chance ;D
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