COLUMNS - help needed

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New Member
I have completed my city and guilds training and I am currently in the middle of my assesments which started on Saturday past and will end this Sunday. I am having problems passing columns. I need to render it let it dry and
skim it... The problem is I need to line all 4 beads up. they have to be all square to each other and no more than 2mm top, middle and bottom apart. Its so hard, It has to be all square.
I was told today was no good and tomorrow morning have to start it all again...

Does anyone have any tips on these columns, any advice would be appreciated......


p.s The column is about 470mm from bead to bead (when i attach them to the columnn)
you will need a grid line to work from or if you can get your hands on a laser line would make it easier
Plumb the 2 beads diagnoly opposite then use them to measure off. it has to be square if you are using a tape measure. If you have to keep it square with a seperate object again use your tape
tell them to f**k off and i want an extra 7 quid per metre to get it all square ...........and check the columns level before you start...............and stop pretending you know it all :-)
it sounds like you are doing this in college and if so you could take measurements off adjacent walls which should be plumb and square and allowing for thickness and using a set square mark some lines around the column to work to and use a box rule to plumb your beads
thinking about it werent the collums actually pillars when we learnt our stuff. I thought he meant isolated collums, Use a square edge they probably made you one and you used it on holloween for a hat
get yourself a frame square, a level and a tape. bed one bead in and work off it. the columns got to be levelish so its not as if you've got to build it out inches.
set two beads up next to eachother and use a large roofers square to plumb the rest cuntface
dont suppose you could set one plumb and leave it alone to go off then come back and set the others?
just get em somewhere near and tap em with the level..
Plumb the 2 beads diagnoly opposite then use them to measure off. it has to be square if you are using a tape measure. If you have to keep it square with a seperate object again use your tape

thats interesting, diagonally? what u mean and how do i do that? i was told in training...

to bed one bead in, get level... then second then third... then get the measurments and adjust again until all are within 2mm maximum.
then get your square, set it against two beads and by eye the square should be in line with the third
fit your first bead using your level then mark on the floor or ceiling or both using the square then work to this using your level at the same time to check.
what if its a tamped concrete floor and suspended ceiling?

makes no odds and cant see it being suspended in a plastering college :) but lets just say for arguments sake sharpen your pencil for the floor and mark the ceiling with a bit of chalk (this can be gained from the inside of a plasterboard) .
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