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Well-Known Member
If you need to clean the white water marks off of window frames or skirting's after plastering use WD40 spray onto a sponge or rag and wipe ,works really well on stained wood work .
another good one ....... pull about 2metres of scrim off a roll, scrunch it rght up into a ball and use to clean windows etc. works a treat.
i discovered that a few weeks back church, do it all the time now. its especially good for the wood effect pvc frames as the muck gets in the grains.
buy some cheap masking tape 25mm wide, and apply to the face side of door frames(neatly) skim walls, pull of tape when set hard,simples ;D ;D
gilesy said:
wd40 on lead flashing after rendering, cleans up a treat ;D
grand wizard said:
brake cleaner is good for cleaning flashings
patination oil should be used on flashings...
both above methods work well as does white spirit, the difference being patination oil is a 'breathable' oil which stays on the leadwork (should be dabbed not scrubbed on) and allows the leadwork to 'patinate' i.e. corrode protectively - like aluminium....
thats how the best leadwork stays that nice dark grey colour for years and years and doesnt get the mortar / weathering stains
p.s. mr sheen works pretty well on woodgrain too...
and polycarbonate roof sheets (hides all the little tiny scratches)....
i use fine steel wool on pvc windows....
polish em up with t-cut and then 'cif' cream if your on stimulants...
fine wet and dry will take cigarette burns out of pvc cills... ;)
on no account take a polishing mop in a 4" angle grinder to a pvc cill - youll melt the f'cker.. ;D
Years ago i splattered a £90 solid oak internal door (black burn stains)

I sanded the entire side down with a power sander (cheap one) and a detail sander for a few spots, wiped the dust off with white spirit (which doesn't make the grain swell like a damp cloth would) and then rubbed fiddes wood wax into it. it looked the nuts when finished and the customer wanted me to do the rest, which i didn't coz i'm a plasterer not a sodding door stainer

i carry a chamois leather in the van for windows, I sponge them down frame as well and then dry them off with the chamois, fast effective and cheap for upvc.

Like the wd40 tip for the wood window frames though,
when carrying a full bucket of plaster up a ladder right next to face brickwork, and the bloke you work for says if u feel like your gonna fall, drop the bucket, never NEVER drop the bucket. as i did. i was a labourer then so its ok to be stupid.
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