Cleaning at a job

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New Member
I asked this a while ago but I've been away from the forum for a while to return and see loads of new names so I want some new input:

What is your routine for keeping your gear and buckets clean when working by yourself? I dont use a spot board so thats one less thing to worry about but this is by far the worst part of the job for me, I hate it!!!!! It takes up just as much time as mixing and plastering for me.
I stopped using a spot board a while back got fed up of cleaning and finding an ideal place when doing ceilings.
I use a 40 litre gorrila tub for cleaning and find theres plenty of time between trowelling to clean your gear. then when almost finished I pour out the dirty water into a bucket and scrape out the plaster residue into a empty bag of multi where the fat goes also. That gets binned. Buckets get rinsed out, gear put in buckets ready for next job.
i use spot 99% of the time but the important thing is to get all the plaster mixed used or binned leave nothing in the bucket that way you can use the same washing out water all day and once youve binned that your left with a couple of inches of shite at the bottom of your washing off bucket also keep a bucket for cleaning your trowels and clean water for wettting down
Thats one of the things I soon realised, mixing the right amount of plaster for the set, still get it wrong now and again (too much or not enough). But bucket gets emptied and rinsed as soon as plasters layed on, ready for next gauge.
i use a spot board unless nowhere to put one ie small room /scaffolding tower....not using a spot board i find slows me up big time,and i find its far cleaner with a spot..... as for cleaning..i have a whisk bucket half filled with water , after mix whisk spin in the bucket, then use the whisk bucket water to sluss out the mixing bucket to clean . so at end of day one bucket of water to get rid of after getting sludge out of bottom , and put in empty multi/board finish bag.,i have a 2 by 2m rubberised long as u tip the water cleanly into mixing bucket during cleaning there shouldnt be a mess....after each mix clean tools and mixing bucket and there ready for next mix......
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