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In case you've missed it, we're having a little charity fundraiser on here right now with loads of prizes to be won..

..simply donate £10 or more here..

..add your forum username and you'll be entered into the draw next Friday to win some of these great prizes kindly donated by TPF members..

Courtesy of @imago an incredibly preserved piece of plastering historical memrobilia; a 1901 plasterers Receipt.
And a very select bottle of malt .
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Courtesy of @John j a Nela Mediflex

Courtesy of the very generous @Dropsalot
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My own donation is 3 boxes each containing a brand new broken in sharpened carbon steel trowel, twitcher, pointer, scrim and lots more, you've a great chance of winning with all these prizes
About the same but apparently you dont get spotting with it plus has fibres to help with cracking i know the guy who owns the brand
Wish they would produce one that's quicker for single walls etc....sometimes skim beams and even with halftime spent most your time sat staring at it
I did up it once and went off in about 10 minutes, if I ever get time I'll play with the ratios an work it out...but spare time seems to be like fairy dust
I did up it once and went off in about 10 minutes, if I ever get time I'll play with the ratios an work it out...but spare time seems to be like fairy dust
I thought you said you did well at school? I find it hard to believe:risas2: