Cheap or Expensive

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What do you think to this price?

A builder asked my price a 4 room flat yesterday
Half to be backed off with browning then skimed the other half is onto board
He give my all the s**t about how he wanted it doing properly and that he has had plasterers before that only lasted a morning because they were no good

I said it would take about 6-7 days with two of us which he thought the same

Quoted £175 for both of us he stood there shaking his head and sucking air through his teeth

So l offered £150 for both of us
He was meant to ring today to let me know
Guess what no phone call

Cheap or Expensive?
It is the first time l have priced work for

He wanted it doing before xmas as well

I thought it was a good price

What does every one else think
tell ya one thing mate stick to 175 day rate,dont go in to cheap or youll kick ya sen ,sounds fair to me,bet his sparkie or plumber that price on there own ,
stick to your price! f**k him let him go throu as many plasterers as he likes! it is an old trick to get the job done for jac sh*t! shows you how tough things are out there, "remember the erly nintys were lick that," let him suc heir trou hid teet, >:( >:( >:( "stick to your standard of workmanship and stick to that"
4room flat ? is that 4 rooms or 4 bedrooms ? the 6/7 days worries me ...... if its four rooms that is way to long ..... if its four bedrooms its way to cheap ....... does that make sense ?
Thanks guy's

I thought it was a good price

Things have been very quiet lately and l need the cash that's why l droped it to £150 also there was the possability to get another 2 flats

I'm sick of people wanting good quality work but not prepered to pay for it

If he does get someone else and they make a hash of it and he rings me back he'll find the price is £175 and not £150
id just ask him, what he's willing to pay u, theres no point beating around the bush is there. or tell him to ring that guy who skim's rooms for £60 ha
that makes my blood boil ,some of these so called builders out there think all you've got to do is get your towel out, some of the crap I've had to get over in my time, they think a trowel is a "magic f**king wand !"
It's 4 rooms all walls and ceilings, there's fair bit of backing to do

I thought a couple of days to back and a couple to skim allowing time to pva and fit beads
he agreed with me on the time scale that didn't seem a problem

I might give him a ring tomorrow, would be interested what price he got
Thats a good day rate m8 for 2 people you were right to go in a bit higher at first then reduce slightly. Sounds like the guy is after cheap labour.
150 for 2 blokes isnt a lot mate. Are you timed served? cos that is a s**t price also whats the pva for, its not for the browning is it? you said Browning and finish & finish to board work.Dont make your self look like an amatuer mate cos he will take the piss. Still too cheap by the way
I going to use the PVA to treat the brick/block work and then the browning after it has gone off

It's just the way l've always done it?

Is there another?
If your going to pva brick work first i suggest you use a different backing plaster like tough coat or hardwall not browning, your not supposed to pva backing coats before you finish them either mate
Can you just spray the surface with water then before you apply the browning and then the same before you apply the multi?

Have l been doing more work then neccessary?
Test the surface first if there is too much suction use a different plaster, you will struggle with browning on a high suction wall, it will shrink and crack to buggery. Skim your backing the same day put on what you can and skim it in the afternoon you dont need to damp plaster down im saying this i dont know what your capabilities are mate
Who still uses browning :o if its old brickwork dab it ,anything else like what jetman said will crack sooner or later
The builder wants it doing in browning

The back ground is mainly block l think there is some aircrete block and one wall which is old brick

I was going to do all the backing first then skim so l wasn't switching backward and forward with materials

If l skim the next day can l just damp down. also if l'm not sure can't l just pva the block to be on the safe side
You don't want leave browning any more than a day before you skim it over wise it will be very difficult to skim , if the builder wants to use browning tell him you would rather not but take his money anyway
So if skim it the same day then l don't need to do anything to the browning

Is it best to just give the blockwork a good soak with water before browning or PVA
Depends on what we call moderate suction and only you will know that when you start the job
aircrete block will suck like a trooper .......even when you skim it the same day it cam still pull it in
set the browning the same day no need for pva better still use hardwall about 3 days top wack
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