cheap c**ts

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hi,youve probs heard more spreads on here sayin this but here goes.........went 30 miles round trip in own time last night to look at a small repair job (plaster shelling off wall in a bedroom,not big area really just told the customer when i come to do it the rest would likely need scraped to see how much is lose, but no major problem really to fix),as its a sort of friend of friend thing just told him 65 notes and said our,hone call today sayin how a 'lad',which he actually said aint a plasterer, has gave him a price of 40 quid and would i do it for that (not sure how a bit me tounge by this point),politely told him not a chance,then he said £50,guess what a said lol,if the lad can do a good job and guarantee the plaster will stay on use goes down and 30 mins later a get a text sayin this 'lad' didnt put materials and is it ok if i still do it... absolute joke. bit long winded but needed to get this one out my system as never had this really in all the years av been doin it. rant over and your thoughts please lol
Classic timewaster! I'd just blank him now!!! I cant be doing with two bob jobs. Deisel is at £1.30 and its just not worth arsing around with people like him!
not entertainin the bloke,thing is,the house is MASSIVE,obviously got cash.
he wanted me to look at what he thinks may be damp but he can go do one now
Jobs like that you should do there and then!
Always keep stock materials on van for little jobs like that.
Agree before you go that if they accept the price you can do it there & then.
Like Casper says cost of diesel isn't cheap so isn't worth running back & forth!
thats why you tell them before hand you have a minimum charge of £80 subject to materials being £10 or less
agree but by time a finished work during day at 6 then travel and talked to him etc etc not even sure what the point was in him ringing me,coz am sure my pal would of said am not a monkey and wont work for peanuts,just find it very very insulting really
No go do it chris , when you get there say £65 agreed he will say yes and fecking knock it out in a hour and look at his face when you £65 please.
thats what i do. while i'm sitting round waiting to trowel up 1m2 i could be putting on another 2 walls. not my problem theyve only got a little patch to do
Woman phoned me said a socket had been removed & just wants it patching up i said £40 she said ok.
So did it on way home, mixed a small amount of hardwall, board finish & cement in a bucket :rolleyes)
Patched it up cleaned bucket out put stuff in van had some tea off the nice lady :RpS_wink:
20 mins later troweled it up £40cash please:RpS_thumbsup:
Was still home same time :RpS_biggrin:
Fcuk driving around pricing small jobs, best to go see them when you finish a bit early one day & do it while there :RpS_thumbup:
i had one today just finishing off oh any chance you can just fill these 4 holes in i just said no felt like sayin get fkd cheeky twaz
Yep, definitely keep some stuff for doing the wee jobs on spec. I keep an old bag of finish in the van for small repairs...RAGGLES ETC!! Goes off in 15 minutes or so!
i had a job today where they waited till they could see i was just finishing up and then said oh if i take down this old pipe work can you repair the 4 holes its left oh and after that ive took out some old sockets upstairs can you do them too, now i had some gear left over so i agreed.
just after that when they could see i was clearing out and cleaning up for the second time "oh could you come do some screeding in our kitchen under the units". i bit my tongue and somehow managed to politly tell them no, no way, not ever...... ok i diddnt say not ever i said i could do it anouther day and they said not to worry bout it, talk about bleeding me dry.
Well said henry.
Plumber friend of mine says "£10 to do it £100 for knowing HOW to do it" :RpS_thumbup:

Exactly, I was told years ago by an old spread "they don't know what we know" :RpS_biggrin:
Mind you he did like to onecoat finish a lot:rolleyes)
i had a job today where they waited till they could see i was just finishing up and then said oh if i take down this old pipe work can you repair the 4 holes its left oh and after that ive took out some old sockets upstairs can you do them too, now i had some gear left over so i agreed.
just after that when they could see i was clearing out and cleaning up for the second time "oh could you come do some screeding in our kitchen under the units". i bit my tongue and somehow managed to politly tell them no, no way, not ever...... ok i diddnt say not ever i said i could do it anouther day and they said not to worry bout it, talk about bleeding me dry.

Mate you have to charge them for it end of!!!!
It winds me up when they say that.. oh can you just......
I say yes it can it will be an extra £??

I priced a lounge reskim recently, then when I went to do it,
loads of new sockets fitted & some moved so loads of patching to do etc... :RpS_sneaky:
then he wanted me to remove 9"skirting because he was having 5" on top of new floor once done, which I said it'll need patching up so said it's gonna be extra money mate he said ohhhh it won't be much extra will it:RpS_cursing:
I said it's extra work & extra materials, so it's gonna be extra money I'm not going to do it for free am i?:RpS_biggrin:
I said I'll give you a seperate price for it:RpS_biggrin:

haha well its an interesting story how i came to be on that job, a few months back my friend got me in with a bloke who wanted a flat he rented out stripped back and float and set throughout, now the fella who has the flat is a site agent so he said to me ill work out a price for you, which i really diddnt like but i needed the work so i thought id see what he came back with.
few days later he gives me the price and i work it back and it was like £1.50 a square meter to float and set........ to which i swiftly told him where he could stick the job, and that was the end of that.
month or two down the line this same "friend" rings me "can you do a job for me real quick".
hes a friend so i agreed..... he failed to mention it was for the same cheap f**k*r as last time and im guessing as he wassnt in control of the money with me this time he thought im goin to try to get the most out of his as possible, which i soon cottoned onto.
had to laff as i left site at miday today as yesterday the electricians finished wireing his house yesterday and today the ground workers put the digger bucket through the mains cable pulled it and ripped a load of cables to the main box in the house.
what comes around goeas around eh?
Karma's a bitch as they say haha,I told the lad ad be squeezin it in aswell coz meetin the lads for my birthday drink this sat aswell,vented all av said to me pops and bein a fellow spread he said he'll do it for me so to get out and forget bout it lol, he thinks like us but when a mention there is potential damp proofin to do (more his speciality than mine) he would plant the seeds of how the customer can rectify said problem......won't be Doin it for £65 tho chaps lol
All in flynny,that's what a carnt grasp is his problem,weren't costin me materials really as have few bags of multi and pva off last job.. Oh and to top it off I forgot me diary at the job do would have to run to job regardless if I did it or not lol(pops is pickin it up if he remembers)
Wouldn't mind being back at school or 18 for that matter,left school 9 year ago and been 'spreading for 10.we have schools in newcastle man lol
Update lads,pops got little job done and the lad rings me for a price of puttin 20 square meters of laminate down,told him my price plus 20 quid ( thinkin he'll try and knock me down), low and behold he tried and I got the actual price a wanted lol
just put a lenght of gutter up for my neighbour this morning whith the snow etc anyway i did his for free as needed access from his property to do mine... also they are canny couple in there 70's mext thing i know the other neighbour needs hers doing as well... just said it was a 2 man job and give her my mates number
Mate you have to charge them for it end of!!!!
It winds me up when they say that.. oh can you just......
I say yes it can it will be an extra £??

I priced a lounge reskim recently, then when I went to do it,
loads of new sockets fitted & some moved so loads of patching to do etc... :RpS_sneaky:
then he wanted me to remove 9"skirting because he was having 5" on top of new floor once done, which I said it'll need patching up so said it's gonna be extra money mate he said ohhhh it won't be much extra will it:RpS_cursing:
I said it's extra work & extra materials, so it's gonna be extra money I'm not going to do it for free am i?:RpS_biggrin:
I said I'll give you a seperate price for it:RpS_biggrin:

Try going to a supermarket and asking if they will just throw in a pint of milk for free,you know the answer. Why do people want us to do things for nothing!!!:RpS_mad: pisses me off!
Exactly, I was told years ago by an old spread "they don't know what we know" :RpS_biggrin:
Mind you he did like to one coat finish a lot:rolleyes)

i remember when artex was "in" this plasterer said "extra for texture,triple for stipple":RpS_biggrin:
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