Charging relations

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What do most of you charge someone who is related to you? not immediate family ( charity work ) but cousins and the like. usually dont like working for family but things quiet at mo and need the work.Have a bit of work to do for a cousin of mine take bout 2-3 days thinking of going in bout 10-20 quid a day less than i would charge anyone else.wondering how rest of you do when it comes to relations!
what do your relations do for a living? ask yourself what they would do if you needed their skills for 3 days..
wen it comes 2 family i usually charge around £80 a day, or if its some sort of patchin job ill say £20
bigsegs said:
what do your relations do for a living? ask yourself what they would do if you needed their skills for 3 days..
Good point segs! this guy a big roofing contractor X5 bmw in the drive and couple of vans on the road,done alright for himself. its just that i know him very well.
if youre quiet mate id charge him the going rate .........if it picks up and he needs some work doing then do him a favour then
anyone who's done alright for himself driving round in an x5 knows u dont make money workin for nowt..
i'd charge him the goin rate and make it sound like your doin him a favour.. business is all politics innit..
Usually try to avoid working for relations because hard to give them a price,but you cant work for 2-3 days for nowt even they do pay for materials. thinking £80 a days a fair enough price :-\cheers lads
Oh yeah, relations I have done work for are my uncle who owns a huge garage so my van and kit car get well looked after.

And my brother in law spent 4 days in his house, didnt charge cos he always helps with my websites and kit car and generally I rather he spent the money on my nephew.

When I first started out i used to do loads for others but never charged cos they were just practices.

Well i got the job done for the cousin there , it took me 3 and half days to get it finished, and thats me flat out, so he rings me up to see what i need , the cheapest i could do it for was £250 all in , thats working out around £70 a day. He turns round and says he was thinking £ 200 , i just told him that that £250 was the price, so finally got paid there. Tight as f##k put me off working for family for life, ::)
ive been asked to reboard and tile the neighbours bathroom floor, trim and rehang the door, so i quoted £100 then got a call later on in the evening from her other half saying they were shocked with the price and asked me to rethink my figure, the words, "mate favour cashjob" were all in the same sentance, so i thought it over and popped over the next day and gave them the new summed up and re-thought figure of.... £100, i start tomorow :D

ive had enough of doing jobs on the cheap to ease up on other peoples wallets, but its my wallet thats suffering on their behalf! bout time i got paid fairly.
How long will it take you mate and who's supplying, even for half a days work that seems fair to me ???
will probs take me till 2:30 ish, but then ill still have to pop back over later to grout and seal. plus i had to go out of my way today to get the materials today so i dont have to fanny about tomorow, but the tile shop was closed too means i still have to go back out for adhesive, grout + sealant. more fuel expense for me. not their fault tho but still, id be annoyed if id dropped my price!

but after paying tax and fuel costs ill still only be earning £70 spending money! they actually wanted me to do it for £50... so after fuel and tax i would of had £35 to spend... erm.. i dont think so! ::)

the labour is clearly seperate from materials and ive given them a price for materials seperately and told them what it will be and its actually cheaper than i first thought as i thought the ply would be more for the floor but im actually saving money for them. i can honestly see them trying to pick faults with the tiling, they'll be there for a long time cos there wont be any and it'll only put the rest of the bathroom to shame 8) getting paid extra for doing it or not, the quality is always there and will shine through, just hope its enough for them to reach into their pockets for a tip, doubt it, but it works with most customers.
ive never had a problem with plastering for friends and family tho? maybe people underestimate tiling, fair enough anyone can do it! its easy once you know how, but having it perfect and looking fresh like the day it was done 15 years previous isnt on their priority list, but it is mine, and thats how i work. no way im getting a bad reputation because i didnt go that extra mile!

reason im doing it is cos the tit who tiled it before put down some 3mm fibre/recycled slop down (the kind you find at the bottom of your 80's drawers), nailed it here and there, used 2mm grout lines ::) and dabbed a bit of adhesive here and there. needless to say the tiles came up without a second tap of the hammer.
charge them all 3 times your normal rate.... that way you get one highly paid job and they'l never ask you to work for them again.... stoping all this charging problems..... you win all ways ;D
i actually got told they was charged £200 for their boiler and fire to be servicd frome another neighbour and he was too expensive and it took a day :S?! yet im too expensive!
if there ooh and arring about the price ask them to get some quotes first and show them to you then give them a price with a bit nocked off .....personally i cant believe you didnt tellthem to go f**k themselves when they were moaning about the price ;D.......bloody cheek seems like a good deal to me
ah believe me i was fuming, i ranted to my family about it astraight after the conversation and i still moan about it now, only reason im keeping my cool is because they are good friends of my parents and id rather nobody falls out over it.
i usualy do it for free but then that favor goes in my little black book and its not too long untill i call that faver in
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