cement with bonding

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New Member
i like to add a lil cement with board bonding and normal bonding to speed up settin time x10! when patchin ect..some1 told me that the cement might brake down the bonding over time and wreck the job?
any1 no any reson not 2..
The old classic, you cant beat the classics. Many a time that trick helped me finish a job sooner anyone tried the adding skim to sand and cement?
top tip add cold tea to skim will go off a treat..
allso when low on brown bonding and need 2 finish wall off try bonding..board bonding..multi and cement mixed up and flattend..skim over 1 hour later...worked a treat..
ever been on a job where theres no toilet,leave a bit of finish in the bottom of a bag ,works a bit like the salt and shake bags, or so ive heard
done the old bag in a hole trick bod a personal favourite.You know when your hedging your bets when your shoving your second torn up bag in it ha
Been on a job where the labourer went in Tardis for a s**t and we tipped it over poor kid came out coverd in allsorts your be glad to hear at 36 i've matured a bit still find it funny the picture in my head though!
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