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all depends ..... I have a 15m heavy artex ceiling to skim next week and its about 3.5m high that is a big ceiling to do at such a stupid height.

at 2.4 high 20m2 + is a big ceiling these days in any modern house
at 2.4 high 35m2 + I would be rolling the set
richardbrown said:
church said:
A job for batman

Now thats a bit daft Church, people come on here looking for answers to their problems mate not silly comments like that

We all know batman hangs from ceilings Rich so he could not do it, his ceiling would be a floor screed and you cant skim floor screed well maybe latex you can but thats not the question is it .
There is no such thing as a big ceiling, but i'm a taper/jointer so I can break off anytime I want to. I can nip to the shops, have a long lunch, weave a basket, do some quilting, and still come back to it and not have a scar. What a life!
Ive done a 55 m2 in one hit on my own once mixing my own gear that was a grueller, id get another pair of hands for something like that again or joint it as Tony says
pftmonojetman said:
Ive done a 55 m2 in one hit on my own once mixing my own gear that was a grueller, id get another pair of hands for something like that again or joint it as Tony says

55m on ur own is one of them where u have to have everything ready before u start, water, gear,charlie
and clear access. Makes me shiver at the thought of it altho 10 years ago....... ;D
you joke about the charlie but i knew some screeders who were bang on it first thing, but boy them boys would shift some serious m2! and better still earn some serious dough! who says drugs are for losers, although i am not encouraging drug use kids!!!!!!!!
spunky said:
put half a g in each room and you ca only touch it when youve finished the last ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
youd never get a finish on it, youre eyes would just keep driftin towards the corner and this little voice would keep saying 'come on, hurry up, havent got all day y'know.. DOOOOO MEEEEEEEEE!!!!'
Lets say drugs would make you faster, and it almost certainly will.

Except the extra money you earn will go on paying for them.

Pretty f*ckin pointless economy that one.
nelly said:
Lets say drugs would make you faster, and it almost certainly will.

Except the extra money you earn will go on paying for them.

Pretty f*ckin pointless economy that one.

depends on what you buy. cocaine and ketamine yes, but who cares when your high as a kite. ecstasy is so cheap these days it wouldnt make that much difference. plus you wouldnt want to eat so youd save money on your dinner. and youd need s**t loads of water but thats free anyway.
it is not a good idea to go to work straight, get on one on any kind of 'upper' thinking youll do a better faster job...
you just dont....
you end up f'ckarsing around all day not knowing what day it is in the first place and what you leave is a perfectly trowelled up square metre or 10....
best way to get the job done is top get absolutely ratarsed on good ol' alchohol night before and work off the hangover....
by the time dinner comes round and YOU start to come round youll be nearly done and its almost opening time again... ;D
save the drugs for the weekend gogo girls innit.. ;)
fook drugs just start early and get it done ,when your knackerd eat cakes and drink water seen too many fellas trying to do it all on speed an the like it dont pay gotta spread near me on 60 a day habit toss.ser
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