I do hear saying paul with regards to 'business sense' etc...
it would appear that there are two kinds of people in this world... winners and losers...
it would appear im a loser because i havent got this 'killer instinct' which is basically a friendly term for taking advantage of a situation or person (the latter being a problem for me) for personal gain. To me there is a line that when crossed converts an individual from being a 'businessman' to being a crook... and Im not suggesting you are one, im just trying to illustrate a point. It wouldnt matter to me if your going rate was £150 per ceiling but to use the excuse that you need to charge a full day for half a days work because you cant fill the other half day doesnt hold water in my opinion.
If you went to a mechanic for a service they usually charge by the hour. If the service was three hours youd expect to pay 3 hours work plus materials plus vat.
If he charged you 8 hours because he didnt have another job in the afternoon youd tell him to f'ck right off..
half a day for 2 hours work in the building game to me is acceptable but not a full day for 3 hours work, that to me is taking the p'ss... like i said, theres a fine line, something which i have a problem with, and thats probably why ill never make any money.. and as for sticking 500 quid on top just for 'f'ck it', if you can justify that extra cost fine, if not its just blatant ripping off, im sure weve all done and still do similar things just because we can see the job being a pain, especially following someone elses work, but you just dont publicise stuff like that do you? If I was that customer and i read that I'd feel like you were taking me for a c'nt..
no disrepect intended, its just my opinion..
and flynny.. 4 ceilings then, having to move all the gear and do one per set for whatever reason... whatever you consider to be a days work... still the same with added materials?
but i see what your saying... i charge by the set, size / location is irrevelant, once ive seen the job its whatever i feel i can comfortably do in 3 hours, allowing for prep, 2 coats, new mix 2nd coat and they shift all the furniture / whatever..
so, i'd do the one ceiling for 100 quid cash everyday of the week, but if i had to move and hit another one in another set it'd be more like 200, and so on... if i find its gonna go off quick and i can get 3 sets in the day i can make 300 quid...
if i can hit the 2 in one set its back to 100 quid again (okay maybe 110 for a couple of extra bags)