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micky jones

New Member
Just started a new job . 80 flats . got couple of lads in . one trained by the same lads who trained me up .
Other lad just done 19 week corse bout year ago . got to the job this morning , lad who done 19 week corse turns round and says his back has gone . only been doing odd jobs for people for experiance , so hasnt done that much anyway went at 8.30 nice guy
Theres good blokes out there sat at home who cant get the work cos it aint there, and pricks like that about, makes me puke. Takin work off blokes that are the real deal not some knob head wanna be.
the lad done a room yesterday and i could tell he wasnt up to the job cos he had a propper betty on .
Had a look at his work this morning and there is trowel marks , tiger stripes all over . I said to the gaffa i will get our labourer to sort it out with the easi fill once the painters get the miss coat on . Carnt trust no 1 from those 19 week courses . The room was only about 40sq metres
now then church , sorry mate been out for lunch .
No mate im not the main contractor , just subbying . im getting £3 metre , paying lad £1 metre hes just out of nvq level 2 so now its a case of site experiance . i also pat labourer 30quid per day , We flying at moment done bout 370 metres between 2 of us in 2 and a half days . straight onto board . piece of piss
are you going direct to the builder labour only mate or working for a plastering contractor?
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