cant post

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Well-Known Member
New to forum and made my first couple of posts yesterday. Tried posting this evening and it says a mod will check post before it goes out tried to pm for help but it says I dont have the privileges to do that. Can a moderator please help
New to forum and made my first couple of posts yesterday. Tried posting this evening and it says a mod will check post before it goes out tried to pm for help but it says I dont have the privileges to do that. Can a moderator please help
was you trying to post porn or links to porn?
There was only one post in teh spam filter...

Let me know of there are still problems... my email is in the side bar :-)

I am out of the office this week... having a few days away as I have been burning teh candle at both ends and my health is taking a beating

There was only one post in teh spam filter...

Let me know of there are still problems... my email is in the side bar :-)

I am out of the office this week... having a few days away as I have been burning teh candle at both ends and my health is taking a beating

Wishing you good health, enjoy the break
Lol no I am on the isle of white..... I need unplugged days away as my whole life is in front of a

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