cant log in

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New Member
i can't log in as big ali, i get directed to the old forum where i can log in but then when i follow the link from the thread about the new forum, it wont allow me in and doesnt recognise my username or password. and keep booting me off for 15 mins cos i have tried more than the allowed 5 times. so i'm not stressed out at all, i like spending half the morning trying to log in here, it makes my day complete
Mate email danny your password he'll do it for you.
Took me 2-3hrs of trying then just emailed danny he sorted it :RpS_thumbsup:
righto righto righto ok then will do im on it will sort that right away.
is that message long enuff, stoopid thing would not let me send a single righto so thats why i have said it several times, i like this new forum its real easy to use, f**k**g not lol
cheers danny and for calling so quick nearly spat my san miguel over the telly, logged in YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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