Building Inspectors....

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New Member
I recently boarded and skimmed the the loft space of an extension (bungalow). The builder had been asked by the building inspectors on their previous visit to put in a universal beam to prevent the roof (pitch) spreading. This had been done and the roof was insulated with 270mm of rockwool.

I cracked on with the job and all seemed well. However, it turns out that the building inspectors hadn't been called back to inspect the beam or the insulation which is now hidden behind plasterboard and a perfect layer of skim  ;)

The builder is no longer on the scene and the owners of the bungalow have been in touch with me, panicking that the building inspectors will make them tear down the plasterboard etc to get a look at the beam and insulation. The end of the newly installed beam can be seen from the old loft but that's about as much as you can see. It's not really my problem as such, I was just doing what I was told and presumed the building inspectors had been out. I just want to put their minds to rest if possible as I've done a bit of work for the family over the years. Are the building inspectors likely to make them tear down my handywork? The rest of the extension is built to a pretty good standard and it's obvious the builder was no bobski. Apparently the architect has also been out numerous times and was happy with the work at all stages. I presume this must hold a bit of weight. Appreciate any advice here....sorry about the essay  ::)
Its not ure problem anyway m8...just tell the customer not to worry if builder is a fault he'll have to pay you to take it down and redo it. Building inspectors are hit and miss...chances are he knows the builder, architect anyway even if he doesn't he can partially see it, wouldn't worry.
dont think it will be an issue... if the inspector can see an end of it he'll know its there and if the builders been going any length of time chances are they'll know each other quite well... in my experience, when the building inspectors seen a few of your jobs and knows you do what they ask of you they tend to trust you... they're not a bad lot unless your a bodger, then they're your worst nightmare, and rightly so...
Cheers lads.... not sure the builder is well known as he's from out of the area but I've come across the architect a few times myself and he's pretty pally with the building inspectors apparently. I'll tell 'em not to count their chickens yet but should be ok :)
i agree with all the above, but if the inspector is a c**t, its really not your fight mate.
had this problem a while ago building inspector asked us to cut out some 4 inch holes so they could have a look at the steel ,same as segs says if the company is known to the building inspector should be ok
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