Budding machiners

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Just a heads up really to any budding plasterers out there contemplating taking the machine road. No matter what ur budget or any prior skill, machine plastering is a black art. The amount of pitfalls are soul destroying. If your resolve is questionable or your pockets ain't deep then you could very well get put off for life or indeed go out of business. Nobody can teach you to a level where it will be a smooth road. Often the gurus are learning just as you.

It's my firm opinion that if your just dabbling then you will fail. If you think about machine plastering last thing at night and first thing in the morning then maybe you will do ok. Who knows?

It will absorb and consume you and if that floats your boat then you are suitable. Otherwise save ur time and money.

Take it as pessimism or realism but for the few enthusiasts with resolve in spades the rewards await.

Good luck :)
Goody, I disagree, when we sell a machine to someone we will give them a full days training where we have them , setting up and cleaning, we will put the common faults on the machine to make sure they can spot what has happened and rectify the problem. They get full telephone backup and we tell them to let us talk them through there setups and clean outs until they feel happy that they can do it on there own. We have done this a number of time and every person has had very few problems. The ones who have the problems are the ones who think they know it all and go it alone. Its a bit like you with the XL, if you had let les have it for a couple of days and then you went up and spent time running through the machine you wouldn't have had the problems you had . If you think about it the stress you had with the XL was all self made .
Omg said like a true salesman. I don't know it all otherwise I wouldn't be moaning and sharing my experience on here. I took delivery of the xl on the understanding that reading the manual and being at the end of the phone would be sufficient. I don't speak German. So that idea was clearly buggered but was left to make it nonetheless(no offence to les because he has completely won my trust and is the best man in the business bar none). To say that one day on the machine and being at the end of the phone is sufficient is not the truth. Problems are encountered on a daily basis with rotor and stator strengths and even suitability for given materials. Compressor strenghths also.

You sell machines. That's fine of course you will retort. All I'm saying is don't fall for the plug and play mentality of the dealers on here. The path of machine plastering is fraught with pitfalls.

Like I said if you've got the stomach for it proceed.
we use machine everyday so were not salesman, Yes we do sell machines to people but because we use them day in day out then we are able to advise in all you mention but im sorry Goody, the problems you had were your own fault. why didnt you ask Ian to give you some training, he is in the same town as you and a PFT dealer plus what he knows about machines is not worth knowing. You have cost yourself at least 2 days off work and now you will have to do what you should of done in the first place and gone up to les. say what you like but dont blame everything else like the manual being in german bla bla. if that was the case you can go online and download it in english so put you dummy back in and grow a a pair and admit you thought you knew it all and its back fired. FAF
I think Goody has some valid points, and one day's training and a bit off telephone backup does not a machine spread make as well you know Mr Roberts, but i have too agree once you have the bug there is no escape
actually betsan ive lost only one day because I can organise well and now when to call it a day and jump site to another. What you suggest is it's somehow my fault for ordering a brand new pft machine without being aware that I was a guinea pig who should have known better. Listen argumentative one, my grumble is with machine plastering in general, and the way it's looked on with rose tinted specs. If the xl is so exploratory does that mean I know more than you then and am able to comment on actuality's rather than hearsay?
simplybesty said:
we use machine everyday so were not salesman, Yes we do sell machines to people but because we use them day in day out then we are able to advise in all you mention but im sorry Goody, the problems you had were your own fault. why didnt you ask Ian to give you some training, he is in the same town as you and a PFT dealer plus what he knows about machines is not worth knowing. You have cost yourself at least 2 days off work and now you will have to do what you should of done in the first place and gone up to les. say what you like but dont blame everything else like the manual being in german bla bla. if that was the case you can go online and download it in english so put you dummy back in and grow a a pair and admit you thought you knew it all and its back fired. FAF

"we use machine everyday so were not salesman, Yes we do sell machines to people" yeh but no but yeh but lol atlast someone with an unbiased opinion :)
You didn't learn to plaster overnight did you .... It takes a year or so before you call your self a plasterer .... Machine plastering is like anything else there is a learning curve to it, with the right training you will be earning good money if you have the work for a machine, it's the same as anything you can't give up at the first hurdle , and I gotta agree with simps I wouldn't buy a machine and expect to learn how to use it just by looking at the instruction Manuel, I would want to know how to operate it before turning up on site. To turn up on site claiming to be a machine spread with a shiny new machine that you have absolutly no clue how to use ...you just know your gonna make yourself look a t**t cos everyones gonna be watching
i will settle this argument i will come down to your site darren and stand at the side of your ritmo xl all day i will start your machine for you and clean it out at the end of the day for you and lets look at how she runs and if there are any problems that day i will see them and can comment on were its faults are if it runs good all day then maybe i can still sort some other problems out .... what do you think mate my offer is open for you
the other offer is swap for one week your ritmo xl for a g4 with stuart and paul let them run the machine and you run theres or swapp with ian for a g5 for one week any damage to your machine i will pay for lets give her a proper good run out on site lets see if what your saying is true because if it is i will not sell this machine and i will refund your money for you with no problems .... if is not true then your right one days training is not enough but some guys can pick things up faster than others so how much training do we give this is a question i can not answer
thanks for your offer les, it's ok mate I wouldn't expect you to drive down to sunny swansea to look at the machine and say all is well.....as you know were there now just about.

Before that guy simps jumped down my throat, if you read my first post I wasn't slagging off the xl, it's a lovelly machine, all i was saying was that machine plastering is full of pitfalls that you don't see coming and more often than not catch you out and lose you money in lost productivity in the early days due to gremlins of your making or the machines etc etc. We're almost fanatical about machines, and have the will in spades but some days it is soul destroying when things go tits up.

Like last friday.......we turn up on site with a machine that's able to spray acrylics and does it very well. Now at no point was it mentioned that a much slower worm was needed.....our fault entirely for not being aware of this, but it's not as though anyone offered the essential info beforehand either. So half a day lost regardless of fault. Much learned though.

So I don't know how I can go up to ian and ask for a demo when clearly nobody really knows all the answers.

In response to your 'manual' sniggers, I had in my possesion an mtec duo mix 2000 manual in english with illustration, and yes, after studying that I had a very good idea of how to operate the damn thing properly.

With the xl i planned to spend days fiddling and studying the manual with the aid of les on the phone for queries.

sorry but i thought that would have been ok considering we'd been to hell and back with machine plastering in general starting off and battled through it with les in person and on the phone and learned countless lessons along the way.

For the record the xl is a blinding machine and is the best out there..........but with machines in general for the uninitiated, plug and play they aint, that's all. Peace brothers :)
Hey Darran, Nothing to do with all the above but if you fancy coming up with Darth XL for a saturday or sunday and we can put various materials through and try different texturing patterns and all that guff.
Les you are welcome to come down I will put you up (and take you fishing).

My thinking is we can put some data together on what the XL is capable of and what set up is needed etc. It will be benificial for all of us and make us all more familiar with the RITMO XL
I'm not having a go with you over anything you said darren so please don't worry about that... your right about the manual there not in English at the moment i did ask for you and when iv got it you will have it the next day .. My offer is to see the machine working on site were it should be performing with no problems... And if it is giving you problems i need to see them for myself so we can resolve them for you and any body else looking at this machine.... Most of the problems i see daily are human error and when we give training i like there to be at least 2 to 3 guys there so they can all take the training in to gether [three heads are better than one].... The way i see it darren is i don't know what training you have had or if you have just picked a few tips up along the way and some times being the gaffer on site and the only one who know the machine in your team can be a problem... My job in training you guys on machines is to make you confidant with what you have bought to aid you in being more efficient and make more money at the end of the day..... If you need me to i will be there to do this for you then maybe the guys on here can see we all cant be a plasterer from day one we need time to learn it is the same with machine it not over night success but with good training and back up you will succeed
all sorted now........thanks les. Ian, my cup of tea does the pft wales geek convention sound.....the biscuits I will bring :)

Just for the record I am not slagging off the xl at all. It literally is the best thing ive owned and is a propper asset to my business. We sprayed 100m of acrylic yesterday by 11.30am whilst being plugged into the customers kitchen socket(single phase), when the weather breaks we got more acrylic and lots of monocouche(3 phase with generator) all off the same machine with only a rotor & stator/gun change. We use the same compressor, mortar and air hose for both applications so having to buy lots of different things is not required. That puts the xl beyond reproach really, so there, ok!! :-*
grand wizard said:
do you talk to your mates in the pub about machines

if they'd listen grand i'd tell em for sure.....just can't understand how they don't find it fascinating mun, they'd much rather talk about cloonge n that.....saddos ;D

cool will bring the orange goddess up for a right tuning
i'd rather be talking about machines than moaning about my misses decision to hoover just before i start to watch a snide version of the A team or how she refused my sexual advances at 3 in the morning the previous week.
well i understood what goody was banging on about!! it was aimed at plonker's like me who are on the verge
but it was taken as a bit of an attack by some of the sale's guy's , and it sound's to me like he should deffo of had a bit of on the job training , but it has been a great read so thank's to you all for that!! i would love to come over and see you and your guy's spray some work sometime goody old boy, if you don't mind or if you do mind some one el's job;D ;D ;D
No problem gooner when(if) this rain ever stops come over and see it in action. Sprayit is who you need to talk to really though as he has much more experience than me and has just started pft wales in upper killay.
goody said:
No problem gooner when(if) this rain ever stops come over and see it in action. Sprayit is who you need to talk to really though as he has much more experience than me and has just started pft wales in upper killay.
thank's mate i will take you up on it when i /you have a bit of time i'am working flat-out at the mo ,in bath so we are back and forth ,so when i get some time ,i'll see how you are fixed , and then take a trip over to spray-it's shop/showroom thank's guys Dave!! ;D
technicianman said:
I'm not having a go with you over anything you said darren so please don't worry about that... your right about the manual there not in English at the moment i did ask for you and when iv got it you will have it the next day .. My offer is to see the machine working on site were it should be performing with no problems... And if it is giving you problems i need to see them for myself so we can resolve them for you and any body else looking at this machine.... Most of the problems i see daily are human error and when we give training i like there to be at least 2 to 3 guys there so they can all take the training in to gether [three heads are better than one].... The way i see it darren is i don't know what training you have had or if you have just picked a few tips up along the way and some times being the gaffer on site and the only one who know the machine in your team can be a problem... My job in training you guys on machines is to make you confidant with what you have bought to aid you in being more efficient and make more money at the end of the day..... If you need me to i will be there to do this for you then maybe the guys on here can see we all cant be a plasterer from day one we need time to learn it is the same with machine it not over night success but with good training and back up you will succeed

this is so true i been spraying for about 5 years with my gang of three we used to swap around every day who ran the machine and play tricks on each other like turn the water off kink the air line etc just for the less experieced person to solve so now it is much easier you dont have to keep running down the scaffold because only you no the problem dont get me wrong we still have a new prob now and again but the advantages way outride the probs but i do think when you first start you have to be a certain type of person to get on with machine plastering and listen to others advice sure you remeber us les from allen atlas when we had a direct line to you

Modified your post mate , so it's easier too see
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