Private Member
Just a heads up really to any budding plasterers out there contemplating taking the machine road. No matter what ur budget or any prior skill, machine plastering is a black art. The amount of pitfalls are soul destroying. If your resolve is questionable or your pockets ain't deep then you could very well get put off for life or indeed go out of business. Nobody can teach you to a level where it will be a smooth road. Often the gurus are learning just as you.
It's my firm opinion that if your just dabbling then you will fail. If you think about machine plastering last thing at night and first thing in the morning then maybe you will do ok. Who knows?
It will absorb and consume you and if that floats your boat then you are suitable. Otherwise save ur time and money.
Take it as pessimism or realism but for the few enthusiasts with resolve in spades the rewards await.
Good luck
It's my firm opinion that if your just dabbling then you will fail. If you think about machine plastering last thing at night and first thing in the morning then maybe you will do ok. Who knows?
It will absorb and consume you and if that floats your boat then you are suitable. Otherwise save ur time and money.
Take it as pessimism or realism but for the few enthusiasts with resolve in spades the rewards await.
Good luck