BRITISH GYPSUM short changing (maybe)

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Well-Known Member
The last couple of jobs ive been on ive been skimming and ive noticed im using a lot more of the second bag on the first mix, when im mixing a bucket of skim, my buckets are still the same size has any one else noticed?
not really are you just knocking up thicker having had double sausage and egg mcd for brekky?

theres this myth that bg regulate the retarder due to time of year dunno bout that but i do find variations in plaster albeit minor depending on where ive bought it or what pallet theyve come off...

had a bit of cove to do today and knocked up some board adhesive... went off within 10 minutes... only 3 lengths and i got away with it but i had to kick the bloody bucket clean...
old bag though..
(plaster not the customer ;D)
I did a job the other day and the skim just wouldnt go off and went all pimpley it took about an hour more to set i spoke to another spread and he said he had the same problem on the same day i asked where he got his skim and it turned out we both got it from the same place so might have been a bad batch, I also did a job the weekend for a neighbour and looked in my shed and found an old bag of skim about 10 months out of date and it went in lovely :)
I have heard all these stories about using dirty water will set your skim off quicker....anyway I have a tall tub which i fill with water and use that to clean the drill off.I had to do a quick set the other day so thought i would try it,it was thick pink water/slime i used to mix up and it still took 2 hours to finish !!!

i use a dirty mix sometimes. usually sets quicker but you get the odd mix that don't work. no idea why?
I have used dirty water before now but as above sometimes it still wont go out like i was expecting.
Another thing I do is over mix with the drill this can help.
My dad always says to add a little tiny drop of PVA to the mix as this will speed up the set, but I have read that this can slow the set. Maybe hes just old and confused.
i was told that if you had major problems with the suction of a large wall then pva could be put in the skim as a last resort as it should re***d the setting rate but i've never tried it myself
ive been told and have used pva in the water when dabbing onto wallpaper .....dont ask idont know but it sounded convincing ::)
I was once told if you can't cope with the suction on a large wall get back on the shovel and stop calling yourself a plasterer ::)
those who use dirty water and put things in the skim to make it go should be ashamed, i have seen it fail 6 months later because of that.
simplybesty said:
those who use dirty water and put things in the skim to make it go should be ashamed, i have seen it fail 6 months later because of that.

fail in which way? how did you come to the conclusion this was the reason it failed?

All answers on a postcard :)
it kills it dead, makes it weaker and the 2 times i have seen area's fail it sheared off the background. No i cant prove this was the reason but it was area's that the spread in question had a habit of using his clean out water for the first coat and sometimes second. on his other walls the surface was dusty and weak. also if you had a problem and BG came down, even if there was a problem with a batch they would get out of it because you have not mixed the plaster to there guide lines. it clearly states use clean water. Its also not a good idea to promote pratices like this on an open forum which someone who is learning will copy. I don't care what you do on your jobs but i wouldn't and any spread who i found doing it on my jobs would be off and 50% retention held until i was happy that there would not be any problems. You might say this is unfair but after he has gone and spent the money, who ha to pay to put it right if it does fail, ME.
simplybesty said:
dont bother with all that ppe crap unles we have to

anyone who comes on a public forum and promotes nocompiance of health and safety guide lines which novices might wish to copy should be ashamed of themselves lol ;D
Pug said:
simplybesty said:
dont bother with all that ppe crap unles we have to

anyone who comes on a public forum and promotes nocompiance of health and safety guide lines which novices might wish to copy should be ashamed of themselves lol ;D

;D ;D ;D
tidy that, errrr like?
We been doing rough and set on thermo's lately and the hardwall have been going off fast as f**k, but today our lab accidently put half a bag of board adhesive into a mix (he thought it was hardwall as the bag is the same colour) and the wall didnt go off for ages and it didnt tear when we ruled it off good little tip but i dont think you should do it :-\ mind you when i used to work with my old man he used to mix all sorts in with the plaster ::)
what did it skim up like bod? let us know what it looks like in the morning mate...
nice little trick...
not that i would ever employ such a blasphemous tactic during the course of my specialist work.. ;D
will it weaken it though simply? whats in board adhesive anyway? it smells like stuff they use on aircraft for sealing riveted fuel joints together... called prc.... petroleum resistant compound...
styrene perhaps?
It skimmed up fine but i dont know if it will crack as it is not the recomended thing to do, it was just a mistake on our labs behalf but just couldnt believe how much it held it back he mixed 2 bags and threw in the half bag on top so it was mostly hardwall.
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