Bristol, external rendering of Victorian end-terrace approx 200sqm

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Bristol, external rendering of Victorian end-terrace approx 200sqm required. The brick is very porous and one of the walls alone is 100sqm with no openings, although I'd be happy for it to be broken up using a drip or expansion joint.

I'll have all the hacking off completed shortly, so the rendering can start in a few weeks, although I'm in no hurry as long as it's complete before the cold weather starts.

Is there anybody out there who is able to do the job properly for a sensible price and would provide a quote? I'm leaning toward a standard flat sand/cement finish, although I'd also consider K-rend if the price was right.

I was thinking of a labour rate of about £12sqm

Many thanks.
Hello martiwoo You wouldn't mind telling us what we have to do for our 12 per m?
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Depending on the state of the walls after the old render has been hacked of it may dubbing out or need three coats so 20m2 labour sounds like a fair price to me.
Thanks for the replies, and sorry if insulted anybody suggesting £12psqm!

There are 4 walls in total: one is about 10m wide x 10m high (no openings), the other is about 3m x 7m ( 2 windows each approx 1m x 2m), the other is about 6m x 6m (1 window approx 1m x 2m + 1 door) and the last is about 4m x 6m (2 windows each appox 1m x 2m).

Some of the bricks at low level are spalled, so some dubbing-out will be required.

I'm no expert, only what I've read (and I've done quite a bit) and many years of major DIY, but I was thinking of scratch (4 maybe 5 to 1) with water proofer and plasterciser, and top-coat (5 maybe 6 sand 1 cement 1 lime). Does this seem ok?

As I mentioned, all the hacking off is almost done, and will be finished before the job starts.

I'll provide skip, scaffold and have a mixer if needed. Pleae note that my earlier post suggesting £12psqm was for labour only and it's not cast in stone!

What I'm looking is for an expert spread who can fix the beads and do a fine, flat job that is stuck properly to the walls.

I did have one quote that seemed reasonable, but I was put off as he said he'd spray the walls with SBR first and let it dry to kill the suction, however, from what I can gather, SBR should be mixed to a slurry with cement and rendered over before it drys - it should not be rendered over when dry. Is this correct?

If you use neat sbr you can create a separation from the original wall because it'll kill all the suction you can go over a slurry the next day provided you've given a good key ......ive worked with bod mate you wont get any better local trust me
hmm i would intrested in giving you price but i would be looking at £20 per sqm labour only i,am in bath give me a e-mail if intrested
That would need need baserend and fully meshed and then topped, no chance at £12 , like gibbo said, £20 is more in the ball park if you want a proper job done, but if you go cheap then please dont come back complaining a bad jobs been done. i dont really understand why people want cheap on the one thing which they and everyone else will have to look at for the next 20 years plus and the one thing that makes there property shine. The amount i know who spend a shed load on kitchens and fancy lights but the render, cheap.
I personally would look at applying a insulated render system as your hacking off the original, this will make a lot of difference with heating the house and also makes it a big benefit if you sale, the building control depending on your area could make you do anyway as your removing over 60% of the original. You could fix the boards with the advice from the guys doing the render.
That would need need baserend and fully meshed and then topped, no chance at £12 , like gibbo said, £20 is more in the ball park if you want a proper job done, but if you go cheap then please dont come back complaining a bad jobs been done. i dont really understand why people want cheap on the one thing which they and everyone else will have to look at for the next 20 years plus and the one thing that makes there property shine. The amount i know who spend a shed load on kitchens and fancy lights but the render, cheap.

never more a true statement that,we get it all time. where doing a render job at the moment a 1.4 mllion house.theyve spent thousands on a swimming pool, aga, bang and ouflsen music systems, yet the developer is scrimping on the render which is unbelievabley short sighted as this is the first thing you see.
There not though are they there just playing everyone off against each other same as all site work
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