Boxed in pipes

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New Member
I'm doing a sitting room tomorrow and the chimney breast has heating pipes boxed in flush next to it with ply wood. I cant rebox it with plaster board as the board will be proud of the breast. I'm obviously wanting to plaster the breast and the box in one but I cant remember what that chicken wire type thing is that you use to plaster on wood.

Any hints? and any tips on how you use it wouldn't go amiss either, cheers
gyp bond an skim it it will be fine...........yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;D ;D ;D

are ur talking about EML
you could still board it and bring out the fireplace with a backing coat ........or tack the side of the box and dab the whole face, when the dabs are set screw through them with long enough screws
Take off the front piece of plywood and replace it with plasterboard then plasterboard the side using small screws ???????

stop bead down the edge of the breast ???????

hard without seeing it mate

Yeah I think it is EML napper, does it hav another name?

Oh and were you joking about gyp bond and skimming it or would that work?
im with rich.. no brainer to me really, take of the ply, reboard with plasterboard, if its a big box double board it..
should take all of about an hour..
trying to skim over timber is just gonna make life difficult at best and a completre and utter bodge at worst..
Board it and skim it its the only way to go.
Wood is a natural product it expands and contracts with heat and cold and with heating pipes running behind it,this will cause it to crack the plaster as it will expand and contract even more than usual. ( to be honest with you i find it hard to beleve anyone would consider that option)
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