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New Member
Hi guys!

Ive done a few skimming jobs for family and mates, but my next job is going to involve bonding plaster which I havent used before. I need to bond onto bare brick about 2cm thick to skim after but I have no idea on drying times for bonding!

Do I skim the bonding on the walls and leave for a day, come back and PVA the surface to skim


Do I multifinish over the bonding all in the same day


Any help would be great!!

Thanks guys
dont skim bonding on the wall. put on to good depth and use a straight egde. on bare brick ur better with hardwall. devil float when it firms up a bit, skim when it starts to turn dark, about 2-3 hours later
or you could chuck a scoop of lime in with the bonding and it will go off 10-15 mins but be quick ,when it stats to go it will go quick
Why cant you Dot 'n' Dab?

Even some experienced plasterers struggle to do what you are going to try and do?

lewis said:
or you could chuck a scoop of lime in with the bonding and it will go off 10-15 mins but be quick ,when it stats to go it will go quick

thats a good bit of advice. he's not used bonding at all before, let alone 20mm thick. and you want it to go off in 15 minutes!
cheers guys....sound advise!

I didnt know that lime could be added to bonding. What actually is the lime? I used it briefly on my weeks course when we did abit of rendering! Got abit on my hand and it stung like s**t!
Bonding should go quite quick on brick as it is extremely porous so you will know when it starts to tighten it then,also when you have your skimcoat on nice and flat dont keep troweling ,this will only cause blistering and if you are not experienced you will automatically keep trowelling and create more and more blisters.These blisters are form by air trapped between the skimcoat and bonding so take your time.When its on and flattened and neat have a cup of tea and leave it for about a half hour ,trowel again clean all angles nice and neat and leave again ,repeat this till the wall is dark ;)
thanks spreads ;D

Ok, bit of a silly question to you guys, but would I use bonding or hardwall plaster to do this! Blimey this trade is confusing! haha! Its like theres hundreds of ways to do the same job! ;D
i would use hardwall cos its for high suction backgrounds, bonding coat is for low suction flexible backgrounds.
you would probably end up with the bonding crazing due to the bricks sucking like a bitch :P
Ian82 said:
thanks spreads ;D

Ok, bit of a silly question to you guys, but would I use bonding or hardwall plaster to do this! Blimey this trade is confusing! haha! Its like theres hundreds of ways to do the same job! ;D

Dust old bricks off with a sweeping brush, dampen wall down with a big sprayer or brush then hardwall/browning & skim when set.
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