bonding the taper?

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New Member

I was asked to do a job this week.. the ceiling is boarded with 8x4 12.5mm duplex plasterboard
which is vapourshield. It is all tapered edge. When I skim it in the normal 2 coat fashion, what about
the taper? Should i fill it with bonding level off, let dry then skim the ceiling?

or just skim over in normal way...

you shouldnt need to fill the tapers mate, I never do and it never caused a problem if skimmed properly, however if you want to fill the tapers it can only do good more than not!
i find taper joint crack ofter when filled and toped with skim..

just been back aon a few jobs by me AND other and a few crack.. thick skim on a joint maybe.
oasis said:
i find taper joint crack ofter when filled and toped with skim..

just been back aon a few jobs by me AND other and a few crack.. thick skim on a joint maybe.

Nothing to do with the boards mate and thats a defo like everyone said fill out the joints with the finish then skim as normal.
yep me too just fill them in then skim as norm
now most the time im skrimming the joints then skimming
??? try tape and jointing ???
spark2010 said:

I was asked to do a job this week.. the ceiling is boarded with 8x4 12.5mm duplex plasterboard
which is vapourshield. It is all tapered edge. When I skim it in the normal 2 coat fashion, what about
the taper? Should i fill it with bonding level off, let dry then skim the ceiling?

or just skim over in normal way...


Ive recently done a coffeshop ceiling included , the ceiling alone was aprox 100 sq/m all border with tapered edge and walls were the same .
Ive just used selfadhesive scrimmtape for the joints and just skimmed in one go .
I guess if u fill the joints first it will make it a bit easyer for u as u dont have to mix as much plaster other than that i dont really see other advantages.
Was thinking the same thing kebab!
Bet they don't even sponge it up before trowelling aswell :-\ tut tut
They say sponging is for one coat plaster,
well i do put one coat of plaster on :)
Do things properly or don't do them at all ffs :-\
if i was on site i think i would fill in first then go over the lot , if i was doing my own house i would pay another couple of quid and use the right boards for the job
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