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New Member
Is there any reason that copper pipe joints can't be bonded over? Not sure how corrosive it would be, if at all.
Got a small repair to do, pipes behind p.board.
Area of board been cut out.
Not possible to replace with new board and repair & skim, as pipes fit snug up against back of board.
Wanted to fill hole with bonding (no void for bonding to fall down into) then skim.
Area only 30x30cm.
A plumber once said to me that you shouldn't put any gypsum based plaster anywhere near copper pipe. He then followed by telling me how to plaster while I was skimming a wall. He came back an hour later and was surprised the wall looked good.
Self opinionated prrrrrrrrrick!
Don't know if this helps...
as irish said cover with denso tape then apply some bonding and bed some skrim into it another coat of bonding then more skrim.... keep doing this until you are at the thickness of the board then makesure you skrim the joint where the bonding meets the board.

this might be abit overkill but atleast it wont crack due to the heat.
oh and make sure to tell them not to put the heating on until the plaster has set AND DRIED OUT ;)

hope this helps mate
Why can't you replace with board?
I've done this before where they repair the pipe with push fit fittings & they are proud of the back of the board
so i just rasp that area away on the back of the new piece of board & dab on, or screw some lath behind if it'll fit ;)
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