bond it pva is it any good

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first time ive used that bond it pva today as i useally stick with what i no but there was none on the the point to those who use bond it pva do you knock it up to the ratio is says on the tub and do you two coat it on walls to be overset.i know these questions sound stupid but im not two sure about it yet
Ok answer to your question then,

yes two coat walls:

1st coat 5/1 or 4/1 water/pva
2nd coat 2/1 pva/water

If Walls painted with silk
use it neat or 3/1 pva/water
use it neat on silk walls and itll slide around like oasis says mate you want bond it instead
Never slides for me mate. It'll slide if you get on it to early.
Never had any problems or comebacks over silk using pva.
I agree Bond it's better but not everyone has the time to go in day before, or add it to the bill.
Company i work for don't allow time, some days it's in & out in day then same next day.
we use it on bigger jobs where there's more time on the job.
But if it needs it I throw a few handfulls of sand in the pva & let it dry does the job.
Basically everyone's got their own way & every job is different.
So its whatever the job needs!
problem is with it ...can break down silk paints....on second coat when skimming you can start to bubbles and blisters appearing, yes they can be trowelled out ......but .......if its bubbling and blistering this can cause problmes later as plaster hasnt adheared to substrate properly....thats why you should use bond-it blue by gypsum on these types of paints and glosses as it provides a key to shiny surfaces without breaking down these types of spunky rightly said....but again pva can do this on certain makes of paints and not to others..........the idea of pva is to be drawn into background to seal and glue.....if its put on neat it can easily "peel"...if pushed use a quicker setting bonding compound like wicks pink stuff....which sets in a couple of personally i wouldnt use pva in a good few situations...and certainly not neat because of each their own tho...
I hear what your saying. Phippsy333
But if paints gonna blister it means it's not adhered to the original plaster correctly.
It's more than likely been painted with neat paint onto bare plaster without a mist coat.
so whatever you do to it your plastering onto someone elses bad preperation.
I'd scrape the lot of if any sign of blisters or peeling.
So if there's a chance of paint blistering bond it or WBA will not make the
underlying loose paint stay on the wall.
I only mentioned neat pva as it's mentioned on some pva & i was answering a question,
personally i like it a bit thinner & hit it when it's going of(not wet)
It's just one of them jobs us plasterers have to do, not ideal i know.
yeh use it neat like it says on the tub ;D...........i tried it once slid all over the place ;D.....blah blah f**k**g blah
Gaffer: nisus your job for the day scrape 2 artex ceilings cut out damage patch it with board then skim em both.
Nisus: well i won't finish that today as I gotta bond it then go back tommorrow.
gaffer: f u c k s sake your booked in on another job tommorrow
Nisus: what's that then
gaffer: dining room ceiling & Walls to skim it's silk
nisus: well I won't get that done in the day
gaffer: why not
nisus: well i gotta apply bond it to the ceiling & Walls then go back another day
gaffer: NISUS YOUR SACKED!!!!!!
Bond it this bond it that ha ha ha
hmmmm wonder what people did before bond it?

Well like I say I don't use pva neat.

Infact i tried something a few years ago
I skimmed a wall over dry pva(a thin mix) applied on the morning. None of this tacky buisness.
Then tried to scrape it off a week later it was rock solid.
someone said something about this be for on here. something about pva a wall let it go off completly not tacky or anything then with a wet finger rub the pva and it goes back to being tacky. So if the pva is gone off it may be right that the moisture out of the wet plaster will turn the pva tacky once again and stick the plaster.

Never done it but read it somewhere before.
Nisus said:
Bond it this bond it that ha ha ha
hmmmm wonder what people did before bond it?

Well like I say I don't use pva neat.

Infact i tried something a few years ago
I skimmed a wall over dry pva(a thin mix) applied on the morning. None of this tacky buisness.
Then tried to scrape it off a week later it was rock solid.
Done the same thing loads of times, as you say what did we do before these bonding agents
Carlos Thats exactly what i did & it worked
it was dry to touch until touched it with wet hand
Might have to give it a go next time I get the chance.
As above a good hand full of sand won't do any harm.
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