board finish

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I took some advice off here today and used board finish to skim over artex ...... never again. At first I was thinking "why didnt I try this before". it was lovely to lay up, so creamy and smooth ..... then it all went to S hit.

Ill stick to multi thank you very much :)

ceiling was 20 square and the wall was only about 15 but i found it well hard, took ages to go off and kept tearing .

looked ok in the end, just left it ages and gave it a hard trowel with a little water. with multi I have never had a problem ???
i reckon its what they do in the factory when thy play around with the retarder i see the same happen every year just before it gets warm and winter .......or its just me being crap ;D
i find it sets up a little quicker than multi but dont normally tear under troweling ;D...perhaps spunkys right for once ;D ;D
spunkybum said:
i reckon its what they do in the factory when thy play around with the retarder i see the same happen every year just before it gets warm and winter .......or its just me being crap ;D
I notice this every year aswell, right pain in the arse wen uv got a big mix on and it goes off like nothin on earth.
well this didnt go off, in fact on the second set I layed up gave it a trowel then buggered off for half an hour to check up on another job ... then came back second coated etc. The wall was 2.5 high 2x1 timber stud, with no bracing or supports, it was like plastering a trampoline
Lol usually it is church but his time it was the diy man who does work for the funeral directors where I was working today.....what a tosser
just say it ima a freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak ;D.........hows the smoking going mate?
Dont do it Church ...... just dont smoke, its hard but its the only way. 3 turns to 5 , 5 to 10 etc etc, I have been there ..... dont have any!
i know mate but i was stuck in traffic and the passenger /labourer smokes he lite one up and i was weak
the lad at work has given up for years but says he could still pick one up .......willpower all the way mate ;) a loser im on 40 a day good luck mate
church said:
i know mate but i was stuck in traffic and the passenger /labourer smokes he lite one up and i was weak
You should of made him F*****g walk home , inconsiderate c**t , he obviously knows your tryin to quit then pulls a stunt like that bet he's one of them that farts while your tryin to eat your snap eh >:(
I remember reading on here about using board finish on artex. It said that when using wba on artex ceilings its best to use board finish as wba kills all suction, therfore board finish was better to use as it is designed for little or no suction.

Had you used wba or just pva. Might have had something to do with it.
what is wba ??? and bond it i use good old pva its the best but if there is somthing beter let me know
I find board finish setting time quicker but also much more progressive than multi where i find Multi tends to go off all in one go.
Apart from when skimming plaster board I now use board finish on all the smaller jobs to save time waiting around for it to pull in.
Also quit smoking in 2000 after about 15 years of 20 a day(40 on a night out) by using nicorette gum.
1st 2 weeks were the worst used to dream about having a fag.
well this is it, the board finish took ages to go off, I have never used it before and doubt I will again, maybe it was a duff bag like spunk muff said ... dunno but what I do know it that I know where I stand with multi so will carry on as norm

fruitcake said:
nobody has ever said board for artex, they have said board for wba.....

Thats where I went wrong then, I thought people were raving about skimming over pva'd rtex a while back.

Its just different to get used to thats all , the best results i had was when using left over bags , mixed multi with board finnish on a artex ceiling , was really nice to work with .
rich i gota say i only ever used multi on wba and definately found it wasnt coming out perfect.

it was from information from this forum that i tried board finish with wba, and hey presto the finish was bang on.

segs said its to do with board finish NOT needing as much suction from the substrate as multi needs.

so to me it makes sense cus wba has killed the suction and multi needs the suction.

anyway ill only ever use board finish on wba from now on.

Just to go against everything ive just said, i LOVE multi on plasterboards,....... ???
what happend with the multi on wba? also i will the board finish go off alot quicker than multi on wba? as i like all the time i can get
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