Blade Runner

Rate the Blade runner (only if you actually have one though)

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  • Crapola

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Only for those gadgetmeisters that actually went ahead and bought one and have had given it a fair trial....
spredz said:
Only for those gadgetmeisters that actually went ahead and bought one and have had given it a fair trial....

Or only for the mugs who saw the vid got blagged and are still trying to convince themselves it isnt shite.
I was in sheffield insulation this morning and they had a pile of them in the corner covered in about an inch of dust lol
richardbrown said:
I was in sheffield insulation this morning and they had a pile of them in the corner covered in about an inch of dust lol
Obviously have crap cleaners then. Had some prices today from Encon Rich, cheap as....
Weren't they supposed to be good for cutting arch shapes?

I was thinking that I could save a few quid on off-the shelf arch formers by drawing (pencil and string) on plasterboards then cutting them with the bladerunner thing then using flexible arch beads.

I thought it might have been a good option for that (especially in the scenario where you pretend to the punter they have to pay out for pre-formed arches).

That was about the only thing i thought it might have been good for. But then i was only going by what was said the in the 'professional builder' mag that i read about it in.

For anything else it looked like a right pain in the spinchter compared to uncle stan.

Did anybody ever cut an accurate arch with one?

(another dream crashed and burned)

essexandy said:
I don't think anyone ever cut anything accurately with one Spredz.

LOL. damn liars in that mag. supposed to have been an old hand spead giving an impartial report on them as well. Obviously they paid him. i feel robbed lol
the whole point of the tool in the first place wasthat it was supposed to save you time...
neer mind arches and the like, would you really go ot and pay 40 quid for a tool to cut one arch every 6 months when you can do just as good if not a better job with a saw and a surform?
waste of money imo, i GAVE mine to a chippie mate who does a fair bit of glass replacement for cutting laminated glass (you need to score both sides before you snap it) thought it might have its uses...
far as i know its buried in the bck of his garage somewhere...
nice idea, as far as 'tools' go youd be better off with a 12v circular saw!
s'right that too..
anyone remember the promo video?
showed a bloke cuttng a shape that looked like an 's' curve...
can anyone actually remember ever having to cut a peice of plasterboard that shape? ever? ever ever?

oo,oo, i know!!! the old I****n restaurant with the stupid 'mosquesque' arches ;D
Ha Ha i was working on a job a few weeks ago and health and safety has gone mental as they were gonna make all the fixers use bladerunners because knives are dangerous :o
heres a thought, only slightly related you have to spot the connection...
when pilkington invented 'k' glass (forget the kyoto agreement for a mo) it was soon made law for all newbuilds to install 'low emmissivity' (low 'e') glass...
by recommendation to the government from the 'glass and glazing federation'...
who set up the 'glass and glazing federation'?
pilkington glass...

who does the hse turn to for recommendations on plastering health and safety?
british gypsum
who markets the blade runner?
bodplasterer said:
Ha Ha i was working on a job a few weeks ago and health and safety has gone mental as they were gonna make all the fixers use bladerunners because knives are dangerous :o
They might ban hammers next cos there could be a chance of twattin your thumb, Tossers. I hope them pricks read these comments on these forums tbh
Somebody thought it was good idea - just see how many bods they have doing demonstrations at the shows. At Toolfair I saw 6 people manning the stand - add in stand costs, etc etc this is a huge investment.

Pity it's crap, then.

Ideal stocking filler!
Ok so it was crap a year ago and still crap now - someone voted it was good mind don't be shy now, tell your uncle spredz why, we won't point and laugh (well i won't anyway)....
spredz said:
Ok so it was crap a year ago and still crap now - someone voted it was good mind don't be shy now, tell your uncle spredz why, we won't point and laugh (well i won't anyway)....

wrong forum theyve always been shite lol
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