Big ceilings

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New Member
Got a job to start its 2 big ceilings in a resturant there bout 25ft squared each. Just wonder would it be best to stop bead it in middle ( to make it easier for me ) or get it all in the one lift. Problem is its a reskim and would need plenty of pva to prevent drying to quick because it so large an area.any ideas? Suppose i could try and get someone to give me a hand , Is there anyway of slowing the setting times on the skim? Sorry for all the questions but not not sure, wat the best way to tackle this job is ! :-/
Hello steve,

I finished a 35m2 ceiling today done by 1. it was artex we scraped back yesterday...(well the labourer did)

2 coats of PVA @ 1 - 1

1 coat of about 5 - 1

Left over night then straight on it in the morning, it hung around like a bad smell.

Lovely job


PS you could always do a rolling guage
i wouldnt use a stop bead on a resturant ceiling if i were you you are gunna need to get it spot on mate get yourself another spread to do it with you..maybe get your self some bettercontact(wba) to get a good seal on it ;) ;)
lol it was, but it seemed to just be perfect. I have done 10m2 ceillings and get fooked on them!

Whats the chances of ceilings these size cracking? Did your labour give you a hand leveling in or anything Danny?my labour would be no use to me wat so ever just mixing and cleaning ::)
I employ another spread and 2 labourers, it was just me and the spread and one lab,

That dummy couldnt level shite he dont even knock up..... but christ he cleans up super and really earns us tips... we done another £100 this week in tips, dunno how he does it but he does it good!


25ft? dont mean to be cheeky or anything mate but thats not very big atall. My living rooms 24ft and i done it myself. Was finished by about half 1.
i think the bloke means 25ft x 25 ft which is gonna be around 45 - 50 square metres...
which is a big ceiling on your own even on board...
personally id say thats definately a 2 man set.... labourer can help flatten in but he's gonna need to be quick and half decent or youll overtake him and end up mixin up yourself...
if you go the pva route, use multi finish, cos youll end up killin most of the suction..
ive been recently introduced to wba... kills a lot of suction but gives you an excellent key... i'd highly recommend using it in this situation, mainly cos its a resturant, use board finish with it, and get another spread to help...
25ft? dont mean to be cheeky or anything mate but thats not very big atall. My living rooms 24ft and i done it myself. Was finished by about half 1.
maybe im wrong, how wide is your living room if its 24ft long?
Hello steve,

I finished a 35m2 ceiling today done by 1. it was artex we scraped back yesterday...(well the labourer did)

2 coats of PVA  @ 1 - 1

1 coat of about 5 - 1

Left over night then straight on it in the morning, it hung around like a bad smell.

Lovely job


PS you could always do a rolling guage
sounds like you got right into this ALL SUCTION MUST DIIIEEEE ;D
u using boardy danny or multi??
yes mate, night before, wickes says leave for 2 hours but id highly recommend 12 hours or overnight, cos when i used it, after 2 hours the key or grit was still loose... its bloody fantastic stuff mate, it just will NOT come off.., you might need 2 tubs though, in fact prolly will so allow an extra 20 - 25 quid... apply with a roller that suits the background...
Cheers lad sounds good wat the suction like when you start skimming on to it? will it give me time to get round it before drying. The spread that i usually get wouldnt be the quickest :-?
stick tp pva my friend, wba is a ballache to apply, it covers you even more than pva then you have to wait 2 hours waste of time and money good old pva is all it needs.
Cheers lad sounds good wat the suction like when you start skimming on to it? will it give me time to get round it before drying. The spread that i usually get wouldnt be the quickest  :-?
depends on the suction of the origional background but id say its the equivalent of 2 real thick coats of pva, it goes on in one coat..
I used to be a pva man, still am to be honest however since i tried wba i can see the benefit, the reason i recommend it to you is cos your in a resturant. 1. you dont want to be rushin round if youget the pva mix wrong and 2. its gonna stay up there no matter what... ive found in the past if you over seal a surface and use multi its like skimming over gloss paint, a right pain and theres no real key... walls are one thing... ceilings another...
now, if you got a massive ceiling the tendency would be to go crazy with the pva to make sure you got enough time on it, which is where the wba comes in, it takes all the guesswork out of it... you can pretty much guarantee that when you lay it on its gonna go at a nice easy pace, which means you can make a near perfect job of it...
you dont have to use it all the time, its too bloody expensive for that, but i reckon this is one time when you'd be glad you did...
if you reckon u and your mate could have that ceiling if it was fresh board youll absoutely p'ss it with wba...
or 2 real good coats of pva... just make sure you get it right though... and use good quality pva... etc etc see what i mean??
stick tp pva my friend, wba is a ballache to apply, it covers you even more than pva then you have to wait 2 hours waste of time and money good old pva is all it needs.
i know, i know, but i think its got its uses....
and anyway, dont stand under the roller! stand away from the roller and use a pole!! and dont rush!! if you rush emulsion paint it splatters everywhere, s l o w d o w n :D
word of warning though... wba is polymer based... pva will come off wherever its splashed.... if youve ever tried to get dried varnish or similar off a surface youll cover everything over first... ;)
stick tp pva my friend, wba is a ballache to apply, it covers you even more than pva then you have to wait 2 hours waste of time and money good old pva is all it needs.
i know, i know, but i think its got its uses....
and anyway, dont stand under the roller! stand away from the roller and use a pole!! and dont rush!! if you rush emulsion paint it splatters everywhere, s l o w d o w n  :D

Your right segs slow down is the answer, but and there is always a but, you would almost certainly need to charge an extra day going down the wba route, I agree it is good stuff having used it once b4, but were suction is a problem id use thistle bondit you get more for your money.
o.. i didnt know that, how much is it? wba's a tenner but its a poxy little tub, 20m coverage id say... i agree it wants to be extra, you really need to be getting there after the last set of the day, sheeting everything down and rollin the stuff on.. but at least its ready to go first hit next morning... you can even offload the tools night before if ure sure its secure..
it comes in 10l tubs all depends where u go its between 30&40 pounds travis's is about 32, you can get about 60m out of it even more if you add a bit of water to it which i know you will not agree with.
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