Best wax to use

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New Member
Now then just wanted to no what's the best wax to use on luctidato from the polished plaster company iv been useing there wax but I don't like it as it makes the plaster look a bit like plastic finish any info would be sound cheers
As above the cera wax is liquid form, apply with a cloth (i use a microfibre) Paraffin wax is in paste form and again use a cloth or trowel it on. Buff each layer of wax to remove any excess. Ive not used burnishing wax on lime based plasters i thought it was used on acrylic finishes. Theres various people who sell cera wax and paraffin wax, Goldtrowel, Uveco, Stucco Italiano etc
burnishing wax does work. wouldn't apply parrafin wax by trowel. Burnshing wax lies between the cear platform and parafin comes up a touch. cear wax is both beez wax and liquid soap.
Ive applied paraffin wax with a cloth and trowel both work well, Just clean the trowel afterwards. there are alot of different waxes on the market find which work best for you and make sure they are suitable for the application, ie some waxes arent suitable for wetareas
but i gotta say it-if you dont know what your doing then you really shouldnt be doing it!its not a bit of skim-its a high class/price finish and the end result has to reflect that
Hanger on a minute mate am only leaning at home what's the point having a forum on this if you can't get info from other people like your self who no how to do it it's not like I'm doing job in customer home and chargeing them every one has to start some were
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