Best Questions

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How do you get it so smooth or Do you mind if i watch so i can do it next time.
Thats when I think, 'you beauty' ka-ching $£$£$£
what do you think your doing, havent you got your own bath at home?!! and thats my wifes vibrator in your ass!
flat boy skim said:
i would like a pound for every time some one said ,that a really good job, thank you ;)

you'd nearly have enough to buy yourself a pint mate! ;D
Bit off topic i did a foreigner for a builder mate a few years back,bay window inside pulled the carpet back and guess what s**t load of polaroids of this geeze and his missus in various states of undress shall we say and other various poses did the job and left the photos on the window cill in a line. Ill bet he was gutted.My mate didnt say owt i got paid ;D :D
When i was working with f.b.s the customer said, i bet you taught him all he knows, i said na , he`d be better than he is now if i did that.
Q. It must take you ages to learn plastering? A. Not sure! this is my first job on my own! What a picture thier poor little faces are. When you get paid say "thanks for letting me practice on your house".
the bird in the house usually comes in after youve first coated and goes oooooooooh that looks lovely, yep all done ;D
spunky said:
the bird in the house usually comes in after youve first coated and goes oooooooooh that looks lovely, yep all done ;D
and also that say that wont take you long when u only have the first coat on lol
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