Best Advertising ?

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Hello Everybody
I have read back through the threads and it seems that the local paper / advertiser is the best place to put an ad, was just wondering how many calls on average per week this generates and how much the ad costs, thanks for all the help, cheers
hello mate I pay £117 every 5 weeks but this does not meen that you will get calls but it is very likley you will get some quotes to do.....
how many plasterers are in your local paper now?????????
Hello Everybody
I have read back through the threads and it seems that the local paper / advertiser is the best place to put an ad, was just wondering how many calls on average per week this generates and how much the ad costs, thanks for all the help, cheers

bloke who taught me said that he dont mind paying £300 for one big advert cause he knows that even if only one job intially comes from it, it will lead too recommendations and so on and so on all from one ad.

do adverts in shop windows generate much interest ?
al give you some advice never make flyiers always make cards cos most people dont even look at flyiers they just get crumpled up n shoved straight in the bin but cards are handy to just stick in your wallet or purse ;)
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