Beko Wallform (Insulated Concrete Formwork)

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Well-Known Member
Can anyone point me in the right direction for rendering onto this stuff ?

Best renders for it, costs, ease of application etc.......

I have an old customer who built an extension with it a couple of years ago and it's still standing untouched (internally as well as external) Any-how I reckon he has no cash, but he has got shedloads of scaffold, which I'm after. I want to know the costs so I can figure wether it's worth doing a deal with him or not ;)
depends on the icf blocks - some require further eps and some can be rasped up well enough to receive the mesh/base and finish.
should be okay just to render over top mate any one of the render manufactures reps will come out and give you a spec if you phone them!
merlin said:
should be okay just to render over top mate any one of the render manufactures reps will come out and give you a spec if you phone them!
richardbrown said:
so about £1400 for mats inc insulation then a week max to do it

£35 a metre.....kinell! What product you reccommending here?
they are exspensive systems because the tchnology that goes into the thin coat renders is much greater than bog standard gear remember they go on like 3-6mm these basecoasecoats so you know how strong they need to be then you the finish coat over that.

eps is polystyrene

usually you will need
roll of mesh
textured finish
can les flog him a sytsem? maybe he could drive in and collect it

I can flog you a german system pal but you would have to collect it.
plasterjfe said:
can les flog him a sytsem? maybe he could drive in and collect it

I can flog you a german system pal but you would have to collect it.

Yep more than likely , that's who been gettin mine off recently, well handy , especially when he can mix pretty much any colour you like
Rendered1 said:
im sure beko recomend a product called granol therm g for there system give them a call !

they recommend whoever sends the biggest case of whisky at xmas - they all the same so use the nearest
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