Been to see a tricky one

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New Member
have to plasterboard around oak beams here looks like a night mare to board and skim whats the best approach to this one?

also the garage wants rendering but only up to the stone work what would be the best approach to this (i will get another spread in for this part and watch him!)

Been to see a tricky one

Been to see a tricky one

Been to see a tricky one

just board it as usual. any big gaps you get due to the oak being twisted, fill with foam. mask the beams before u skim them.
Just take it nice n steady , don't try to rush it and make sure you cover those beams, render in 5 or 6-1 sand cement with a little waterproofer in the scratch coat and a 7-1-1 sand cement lime mix for top , you might want to wet the blocks down a tad prior to your scratch coat, but if your gettin a spred in to help he should show you the ropes, Why not get Church to nip over an show you the score , he can't be too far from you ;) ;)
fair play as in he has done loads and load of work as well as his own job.. timber work is OK and yeah block work is messy but its gettin covered up so
if your not very confident with s/c oasis then yeah you can take up the blockwork. only need to do the edges though really.
"tape" lol so im guessin the idea is to just go up 2 the stones and sponge finish into the edges ect
on the other hand here is a random pic of my lab saving every last drop of pva! :-) i find the ugly'r the better

Been to see a tricky one
Oasis have you ever tried puttin your PVA into a big tub with lid that'll also include roller? Saves time pouring in and out into the original tub.
you could get and angle grinder on the thermalite or stipple it with a tryolean gun tape joint the board mate
Bruce Willis said:
Oasis have you ever tried puttin your PVA into a big tub with lid that'll also include roller? Saves time pouring in and out into the original tub.

id brake it and end up with huge spill!
oasis said:
Bruce Willis said:
Oasis have you ever tried puttin your PVA into a big tub with lid that'll also include roller? Saves time pouring in and out into the original tub.

id brake it and end up with huge spill!
I use a tub from a swimming baths, its got a rubber seal so when it falls over it doesnt spill. Saves cleaning your roller or puttin it in a plastic bag coz you just keep it in with the mix.
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