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we have always beaded then scratched. so when we have plumed all the beads up we know where to extra thickness on so the top coat aint to thick and is even(cos i nenver plastered a plum wall yet have you?)
Depends....I've seen people bead frist and when they've scratched it, cause the walls all over the place and they put beads up frist, there's hardly no room to get any top coat on and it's all over the shop......

Plus if you scratch frist you can get right behind the beads with the scratch and won't have top coat drying on the beads wheres there's no waterproofer.....

I don't think there's no right or wong way
if the bead is as quick to install its worth beading. if its takes ages to plumb up and is a nuisanse use a battern or similar. A bead is final work so its better to get it on but not at the cost of 15 minutes messing about
i don't know i normally stick them up , unless they are on lintels then i drill fix them or if there angles just go straight in the mortar joints or if its on engineering bricks stick them angles that is not heads that different .
do you all bead out the whole job first if its mono. i bead a panel and get a spray on, then rub back and bead a bit more and spray a bit more. Theres no point beading a whole job out as you will never get paid for beading
I see your point about getting something on the walls but surely the beading takes as long as it takes therefore once its done your putting on like say the next day , maybe we all think different .
Depends on how much you bead and how much you lay on plus if you are laying it on by hand then what you say is correct because the time it takes you to lay it on, the first areas applied have been on for much longer and after a short time is ready to scrape.
When you spray mono on with a machine 1+1 gang about 30 mts is usually on in about 2 hrs. If it is summer time you have a window of about 4 hrs before the material is ready to scratch so i go beading. If you are only doing the rendering then it makes no sense to sit and wait for the render to set especially painful if you have just wasted a few days beading. You may think well why dont you spray more on but that will only take longer to scratch back. This way you are more productive for your visits on site.
bead a panel day morning spray first thing..beading for a few hours...scratching back

bead out first thing for about 6hrs....spray later in the day... next morning scratch...more bead...spray
and the dreaded masking etc. sounds good in theory that but is hard day to day in a 2 man gang as one is tied up all morning working like a tit scratching while the other beads all morning too. that's not including masking, setting up machine, sorting tools etc. oh and recovering after a solo scratch which is physical before trying to get psyched up for another spray with one of you mainly stuck on the machine. That level of productivity demands 3 really so you dont burn out or have a mutiny on ur hands
goody said:
and the dreaded masking etc. sounds good in theory that but is hard day to day in a 2 man gang as one is tied up all morning working like a tit scratching while the other beads all morning too. that's not including masking, setting up machine, sorting tools etc. oh and recovering after a solo scratch which is physical before trying to get psyched up for another spray with one of you mainly stuck on the machine. That level of productivity demands 3 really so you dont burn out or have a mutiny on ur hands
stop moaning you pussy
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