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Boarding out a bathroom that will be tiled from floor to ceiling. My mate the tiler says dont bother plastering the baords as he can tile striaght over the board. Question is do i need to use moisture resitant boards ? Tiles will be floor to ceiling so covering all the boards?? Its not a wet room just normal bathroom but will have mixer tap shower fitted to the bath

THanks all
tank with theroseal then scrach coat with s&C then dab MR boards of with neat cement then skim then use tile tank then tile..

or dab and tile :-)
Just aqua panel around the shower area,board and tile the rest will be fine.
The problems arise in ten years time when you want to change the tiles becuse if the boards aint plastered youl pull half the drywall off removing them.You could overtile them if in good condition though naturally...
For me,i like to see all walls plastered £150 to skim average bathroom well spent in my opinion.
On a house I've just plastered the owner had half the bathroom tiled before he decided that he didn't like the tiles, the walls had been skimmed but when they took the unwanted tiles of the plasterboard was absolutely wreaked, so there was no point in them having been skimmed in the first place just as I had told him in the first place.
i allways use wedi aquapanel in all the wet areas then plasterboard the rest if its fuully tiles dont skim the plasterboard can hold more tiles unskimmed
i done a lot of loft conversions and they dont use aqua panel just plasterboard and tile.i,ve never heard of any comebacks.but if it was my job i would go for aqua panel in shower area
M R boards mate done some myself my mate,s in buildin control and told me if it aint mr boards it,ll be condemmed, and if tiled just block out the joints for the tiler ;)
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