Bagging up lathe & Plaster

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New Member
The next time you pull down a lathe and plaster ceiling and you are alone and baggin it up..

Get an old 15L bucket from your van and cut the bottom out so its the same as the top. Getting
a rubble bag and and push down to the floor, place the bucket into the bag. Start shoveling the debris
from the ceiling into the bucketabout 2-3 shovel fulls and then gripping the rim of the bucket and holding
the top of the rubble bag - lifting upwards so the rubble falls through easily to the bottom of the bag. Again
continuing shoveling in the bucket and repeat. So easy....

Otherwise you are trying to shovel a load of debris into a rubble bag that keeps closing
and the shovel keeps hitting it and your forever trying to fix the bag.
Top man spark. I backed up a fellow spread last weekend that wood have helped. I'm gonna overboard fro.m now on tho
Or just shovel into a gorilla tub then pour into a rubble
sack or just wang it in the skip.:RpS_wink:
Bag laths up seperatly to the rubble.
Or just shovel into a gorilla tub then pour into a rubble
sack or just wang it in the skip.:RpS_wink:
Bag laths up seperatly to the rubble.

nisus i know what your saying...

its not easy lifting a full gorilla tube full of plaster..
Yes you would bag up the lats first then use this bucket and bag method....come on think about it, you know its good!
nisus i know what your saying...

its not easy lifting a full gorilla tube full of plaster..
Yes you would bag up the lats first then use this bucket and bag method....come on think about it, you know its good!

I didn't say anything about a full tub mate,
but if you haven't got any muscles just half fill it then :RpS_thumbup:
This is an excellent tip credit to you spark2010 ;)
I'm definetly gonna try it on my next lath & plasterin job.

Beddy what do they call people from coventary :)
This is an excellent tip credit to you spark2010 ;)
I'm definetly gonna try it on my next lath & plasterin job.

Beddy what do they call people from coventary :)

im glad you appreciate is ahmed.... when is the next big plastering job coming up?
Spark I thought u worked in a shop so how come ur so knowledgeable about plastering ? Have u done some labouring for a plasterer ?
Spark I thought u worked in a shop so how come ur so knowledgeable about plastering ? Have u done some labouring for a plasterer ?
I work in a builders merhants now.. I did labour for my a 25 year exp plasterer from dublin for about 3 years who simply was incredidable. he currently works for insurance companies and fixes all other peoples mess ups. He's on stilts, I seen him bang out 40m ceilings and the decorators saying there was literally no filling or fixing to be done. THis was job after job after job. You want to see him doing bullnoses free hand, blending in moldings etc, Other plasterers on the company even admitting how good he was. When we use to leave jobs, the houses were cleaner than before we went in. Im glad I laboured for him, Just when he was teaching me plastering I damaged my hand with a glass outside of work and that was the end of that. I done a tendon but its fully recoverd now. I just completed my city and guilds as I loved plastering so much. January I am going to enrol for NVQ 2. I am also going to do polished plastering in March.

To be honest Im hoping to be out working for an insurance company soon or similar. Hopefully then go out on my own in a few years. I do privates all the time and i will attempt anything. I also read plastering book after book and watched DVD's, I also read post after post on here, and if something pops into my head, I will ask on here even if im not doing the actuall job- you might laugh but its all knowledge.. and knowledge is power my friend
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No mate, I am a plasterer. No need to get annoyed about it .

lol, essexboy listen my friend, i didnt want to say like the others are saying... your a muppet not a plasterer.
There's a difference. I mean some of the posts you have been posting, putting waterproofer into multi finish, i read all your earlier posts since you have joined and everyone is laughing at you. Then the polaks .. slicing the hardwall all over you. Are you catching on now.. Listen mate im at the teething stages of plastering,

im not calling myself a plasterer.. but im on the right road.. done hard labouring on site, city and guilds qualified, nvq 2 on the way and i am working with different plasterers all the time. what was it your plasterer called u.. the mustard. I think he means the muppet.. lol

Serious essexboy your the laughing stock of this site, ive been following u, even ahmed is getting in on it.
You havent got a clue
Take the plaster of first by getting a shovel or spade behind it bag that up first then take the lathes of.
Grand why dont we meet at say at Harlow and shoot each other.
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