back pressure

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When you guys talk about watching the back pressure does that mean the position on the water bottle that sets ur mix to thin to thick if you no what I mean also where can I get one of them tubes that pop on to the hose outlet just to check the mix before you put the spray hose on . Hope that made sense
its a pressure gauge that fits on the material outlet b4 u put ur hoses on, it tells u what pressure ur running at
hi mate ,, the back pressure reading is the pressure of your material comming through your hose.. I.E. .... For every meter of hose you have 1 barr back pressure so if you were spraying render through 25 meters of hose you should have 25 barr back pressure... If you were at 30 barr you would just turn your water up a bit to bring down your back pressure this will make your rotors and stators last much longer by doing this ...Also the mortar pressure gauge will keep you safe if you got a blockage this part would let you know your back pressure and allow you to revers the pressure out safely
So if you add more water to bring ur pressure down won't this make the mix wetter . Or is there two sep feeds , I'm new to this as you can probs tell after my stupid questions
Na chris I've had the training and the machine is in the store with insructions and all I do is scratch my head when I look at them it seems easy In theory its just when it comes to actully doing it there's 4 different gauges I no what two of them are and switches that I am just hoping are there just to look nice god I feel stupid lol
All new machine come with a motar pressure gauge...... And no the mortar pressure gauge know,s if your mix is right.... Go back to your hose again you need 1 barr pressure for every meter of hose there for if you have a 20 meter hose and are running at 30 barr by turning your water up a bit will make the mix right... When you get down to 20 barr then your spraying at the right barr pressure for the length of hose
Thanks techman so really when you get ur gear set up as long as you start of ok with correct pressure etc you should be ok for the rest of the day but just keep an aye on them . Good luck to you rich less will get you going he's a good guy
the pressure gauge is a very important bit of kit, i should know. i didn't listen to techman in the early days and never used one. safety wise, i am surprised i am still alive after unclipping hoses not knowing how much pressure was in them. got smacked in the head a couple of times. Its also illegal not to use it when onsite
Learn something new every day.....never occured to me to check back pressure as a reference for consistency. I mean once I've setup at the test pipe the only adjustment would then be at the gun/wall turning the water up or down a smidge to suit the spray. Next time it'll be worth checking the pressure to see where we're at. I might always be running 5 bars too high and prematurely wearing out r & s. By adding say a 5 or 10m 35mm hose first then 15m of 25mm would this alter the 1m - 1 bar rule at all?
were finding weber is running really high on back pressure and eating the r&S, geting about 3-4 pallets , the back pressure is around 30-35 on 25m but we cant spray any wetter.
we had pressure of 25bar on 15 m hose last week with weber it was still a bit wet, this time last year it would have been stiff as hell on that pressure >:(
So roughly how much wld a 35mm hose 15m long be and what's the longest you could stick on m_tech 300
got to start some mono tomorrow aint used machine for 6 months still got petrol in genny tank would you use it or get rid
nah your right mate , i cant stand the game watching men run around in shorts kicking a ball does nothing for me boy loves west ham though lol
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