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theres nowt wrong with girls, i got two of the little beauties. congrats and i don't think you are who you say you are either but who cares
There is nothing good about it!!!!
I want a boy not a girl!!!!

lts all about there culture boys are more respected girls are treated like dirt IMO theres nothing wrong with girls they make u more ov a man imo there harder 2 look after because u always worrie about them as ive got 2 girls boys look after themselves as long as its healthy doesent matter what it is
lts all about there culture boys are more respected girls are treated like dirt IMO theres nothing wrong with girls they make u more ov a man imo there harder 2 look after because u always worrie about them as ive got 2 girls boys look after themselves as long as its healthy doesent matter what it is

this is exactly the reply they want. It's hard at the best of time's to avoid stereotyping, but you're falling for it mate.

this is classic trolling, and like I said before it'll stir things up between us - could even adversely affect this forum.

If ahmed's for real i'll eat me sponge float!
Yep.. very hard to take him for real... but still none the less we have to respect him as a person... his plastering skills are another thing :-)

I have friends all over the world from different cultures... :-)
congrats ahmed,

but i think u just want a boy so he can labour for you when your banging out them big plastering jobs !!
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